We have far to many



Hello, friends and fellow gardeners! This post is in response to the weekly theme "I have far too many" by @riverflows. Since last year, we have been getting an abundance of calendula. Previously, our garden was covered in poppies, but now calendula has taken over. This year, calendula has grown all over the garden. I'm not sure what to do with all the flowers. I offer some flowers to my gods daily, around 10 at most. Last Monday, I got an idea to try drying the petals of calendula. I had seen an alternative to saffron at my regular international shop, when I asked the shop owner about saffran he showed me one package when I looked it closer I Found it was dried calendula petals I decided to dry them and try using them for food decoration or color-making to see how they work. Here's how I did the drying process.
I will try to make tea from it, Try it with some other herbs. Make some experimental blams or lotions calendula is good for the skin. when I try myself about its benefits then sure I will share with you, friends. Even any suggestions I would like to hear from you.

I picked those dried-on plants luckily the sun was strongly shining which was very good. After they dried 90% started raining and windy weather.





After all processes, I got around 100 grams of dried petals of calendula
This is the way I tried and have one small jar full of dried calendula petals. I will get ready for new experiments.
Thank you very much Have A nice weekend.

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