This is not weed this is pleasure.

Hello friends and community members! I hope you're all having a great time harvesting and gardening. This post is my response to the week 3 theme "weed" by the #gardenhive community. These photos are of wild geraniums from my neighbor's garden. These plants grow very vigorously in June. Initially, my neighbors wanted to get rid of them, but when I first saw them, I thought they might be something special. I asked our community gardener, who is also our neighbor, about the plant's name, and she mentioned it is a wild weed called geranium. As soon as I got the name, I was surprised. I have been using geranium essential oil for many years at my work for various health issues, such as women's hormonal balance, menopausal symptoms, stomach pain, depression, and anxiety. but I had never thought those plants were geranium even though I walked and watched them every day and many years in spring. After knew the name I tried drinking tea made from geranium leaves and flowers for my muscle pain, and it helped me. But I never announced it to other people. That was my self-experiment. But I always recommend geranium oil for my clients. I like the smell of flowers and bushes, they are very pleasant as same as oil. The beauty of the flowers is amazing. The purple and pinkish colors tiny flowers are soothing to the eyes. The dark and light green leaves fill freshness in the body and mind. Those bushes always have company from pollinators like bees and butterflies. I was very happy when my neighbors changed their minds and decided to keep some of the bushes around the fence, although they reduced the quantity.









So the weed didn't disappear I am glad for that.
Thank you for stopping by. All photos are taken by me. and they are mine.

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