March updates after three years in our Indian garden

Hello, friends and hive garden community, all hive gardeners greetings from India. Finally started internet after 2 weeks. Last three years missing this place. when we arrived we are disappointed after seeing the condition of the garden. Some of our favorite flowering plants disappeared. luckily the fruit trees all survived but some were in bad shape. many of the coconut trees are not bearing well like before. Our caretaker has done his duty to keep the garden clean and tidy. But he was not very clever to take care of each plant in the garden as we do. Meanwhile, one water pump was broken and there was no water for some plants. We have only sand here so no vegetable garden but we have plenty of coconuts, cashews, sapota, and Alphonso mangoes which survive in this sandy soil. My Shatavari and star fruit doing well all curry plants were just like sticks. Many hibiscus plants and night blossom were almost dying but should be revivable with some regular watering. now mango season will start and some mangoes will be there but some trees did not flower. the cashew trees are doing well and we will start harvesting soon. here is a glimpse of our garden.

Normally his area was full with all different flowerjng bushes now it is almost empty.

the starflower bushes, milkweed, bourgainville, lemongrass and mogra all look messy. i


Luckily some mangoes are flowering and some mangoes are visible and should ripen soon if we are able to keep the monkeys away.


lemongrass and star flower bush.


these mango flowers are unusually late this year .


We had many different ornamental and medicinal plants


Cashews still in flower along side young cashews forming below their auxillary fruits.


My red hibiscus just few sticks are alive.

Instead of 10 12 flowers everyday. only one flower I had seen since we came.


The same with orange color hibiscus.



The organic turmeric. just few left.

The big curry plants are totally dried up but should come back quickly with some generous watering. this one was new I found

First-time fruits on our starfruit tree since it was 10 years old.
we cannot expect big fruits as the tree is growing in pure sand

Nice beautiful flowers of star fruit.


a pine needle carpet on top of some rotting logs full of dried upfungi


I am happy to see shatavari in good shape. this is an important medicinal plant


Some fruits on sapota tree monkeys are most days here to eat them.

This is my March update Thank you very much for stopping by.

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