Abundance of health benefits from my Ayurvedic Garden herbs


Nirgundi, Neem, Punarnava, Shatavari and many more.


Carry leaf bush



cinnamon,lemongrass, curry-leaves, and turmeric are all herbs used both for cuisine and home remedies.

Hello, hiveans, follow-gardeners, friends, and community greetings to all. this is my response for this week's theme on herbs. I'd like to talk about our Indian herbs that we have in our garden. Some of them we planted ourselves, while others grow wild. These herbs are not only beautiful additions to our garden, but they also hold great medicinal value. Each herb has its unique benefits. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I've acquired knowledge about these herbs and their properties, and I'd like to share some insights here. I previously posted about my herbal garden in the community's Garden journal, and I promised to provide more information. I'd like to express my gratitude to #gardenhive for giving me this opportunity. You can find my earlier post here.

Nirgundi Vitex negundo
Growing wild thriving in our sandy soil
Recent studies into nirgundi’s bioactive compounds have revealed its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer, and antimicrobial properties. Here in my clinic, I use them in the steam procedure called Nadi Swedan for those who suffering from stiffness of muscles and joints.

I pick them dry them and put them in my baggage.

NEEM Azadirachta indica is one we planted as a 2-foot-tall baby years ago
how much I can talk about it? one sentence it is a sacred tree in Ayurveda. Packing over 140 active compounds, numerous antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory effects. Treatments for ulcers, gastrointestinal ailments, kin, hair health, dental care, and diabetes management.

ADULSA Adhatoda vasica
Blood purification. treatment for respiratory ailments.
wound healing. anti-inflammatory I use it mostly for colds and cough syrup, decoctions, for our personal use. at work in Nadi Sweden.

There are some leaves from Adulsa together with neem leaves.
I dry the leaves and bring them with me to make oil from them. and the small sticks I use like a brush to clean my teeth. When we walk to the forest we apply the neem oil on the exposed parts of the body to protect from ticks and mosquitoes.

PUNARNAVA Boerhavia diffusa Growing wild under coconut palms.
From time to time we make this decoction to purify our body. It works for detox management, enhances cardiac function, helpful in IBS, to manages diabetes. reduce ama/toxins.


SHATAVARI Asparagus racemosus the queen of herbs in Ayurveda.
Growing wild in our garden, probably spread by some birds carrying seeds. It has many benefits stimulating neuromuscular functions, Feminine herbs work for the female reproductive system, lactation, hormonal imbalance, menopausal anxiety depression, I use powder from roots for musculoskeletal pain, and balancing hormones.
Here is our paradise with herbs and plants, we are glad about them and our garden. I am just posting photos and information about the benefits of this herb. it is not to be understood as medical advice, Thank you very much for stopping by

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