Prepping for Seed Starting - February 20 & 21, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

New South - giant allium bulbs crop Jan. 2023.jpg

You might remember back on January 13th I mentioned the giant allium bulbs in the New South garden had been heaved out of the ground by the frosts. I had been too tired to find dirt and cover them.

New South - giant allium up crop Feb 2024.jpg

Well, it doesn’t seem to have done them any harm because on Wednesday I found many of them sprouted.

Tuesday I spent doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen. On Wednesday morning I got up late and had to race around to get ready for the day and for exercise class. I was being picked up at 9:15AM and had to have things ready for my general helper.

When I got home from exercise class I thought I’d have ½ hour to change clothes and eat lunch before the Senior van picked me up for an appointment. But it showed up 15 minutes early so I was racing around changing clothes and getting ready to leave.

Washed trays crop Feb  2024.jpg

Good thing I’d sorted through the plant trays earlier and set them to soak. She would be washing them until I got home from the appointment.

New South - tulip up crop Feb 2024.jpg

When I got home, I saw that there was a tulip up in the New South garden. I’ve never had tulips up in February before.

Making starting charts crop Feb 2024.jpg

I collected all the charts and info on this year’s seed starting and she and I started on the starting charts. My handwriting has deteriorated enough it’s nice to have someone who can write neatly.

We used:

Last year’s charts (that I messed up so badly)
The list of start dates for Vegs, Herbs, Flowers
The inventory we did in December for seeds
The list we made from the maps of what things we planned to plant and how many
The orders I’d placed
The maps

We only put the plant, how many of them, # of pots, and of trays we would need. We got all 6 of them done that much. I double checked things as I went along, so hopefully, no catastrophes like last year. Then, because we now knew how many trays we would need for March 1, she went and washed 2 more.

We had discussed all the things we needed to get done by March 1:

Biology in new seed packets
Put the seeds into the appropriate bags
Finish the starting charts so I’d know where seedlings would go
Put the Seed Starting Notes back in order
Find the shelving for those areas
Put it up and get the lights ready
Do inventory of seed starting materials and order what we needed

Putting biology in new seed packets crop Feb 2024.jpg

While she was washing trays, I collected all the seeds that had come in and started putting biology into each packet. This ensures each seed has what it needs when it is put in a pot.

I also sorted them by veg, herb, flowers. But I didn’t get the big box out and put them in the appropriate bag. Each bag in each section type has all the seeds for that type for each starting date.

Because she’s going to come on Friday, March 1st, not her usual day, next week she won’t be back until Wednesday. So I have to try to get as much of the list done before then.

Creamed chipped beef crop Feb 2024.jpg

Because I knew I would be tired, I had laid out ingredients for a simple supper earlier in the day. I know if the ingredients are out, there’s a greater chance I will cook when really tired.

I planned to make creamed chipped beef over rice and I put a pint box of peas into the sauce once they’d cooked. I made a lot so I’d have leftovers. There’s no recipe. Just:

White sauce of 5 tbsps butter, 5 tbsps millet flour, 2.5 cups of coconut milk with some raw cream added

I put in black pepper, celery salt, parsley, paprika for seasoning.

Once the sauce thickened I added the drained peas, and the chopped beef. I made a pot of rice to serve it over. Done.

Moon rising crop Feb 2024.jpg

When I went out to do chores at 5:15PM the nearly full moon was rising.

On Thursday I plan to finish the starting charts, clean up the kitchen, and maybe I’ll get the seeds into the correct packets.

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