Pow! Again! - April 18, 2023 @goldenoakfarm

Azealea - robin's nest crop April 2023.jpg

When my brother and I did the windows on Sunday he found this brand new nest in the azalea. There was a very attentive robin hanging around, so I expect it was his. There was nothing in it yet.

Magnolia - petals falling crop April 2023.jpg

It had turned much cooler and windy on Tuesday and the magnolia started to lose its petals.

Magnolia - carpet of petals crop April 2023.jpg

The carpet of petals was so pretty.

Big garden - quince crop April 2023.jpg

Right next to the magnolia, in the Big garden, the quince had started to bloom.

New South - tulips crop April 2023.jpg

Tuesday started out cloudy and rainy so the tulips weren’t open, but they had been in the New South garden.

Crabapple buds crop April 2023.jpg

Sometimes that camera amazes me and gets a nice shot. The crabapple next to the magnolia is just covered in buds. We are due a frost on Wednesday night, so I’m afraid for all the flowers…

South - 1st wood hyacinth crop April 2023.jpg

In the South garden the first wood hyacinth has opened.

South Herb - chive buds crop April 2023.jpg

On the east end of the South Herb garden the chives have buds.

South Herb - lily of the valley buds crop April 2023.jpg

And on the west end the lily of the valley has buds.

East Shed - freckles violets crop April 2023.jpg

The East Shed’s ‘Freckles’ violet is flowering.

North Corner - Dutchman's breeches crop April 2023.jpg

Directly opposite in the North Corner garden the Dutchman’s breeches are flowering.

North Corner - fiddleheads crop April 2023.jpg

Behind them against the back wall in that garden the fiddleheads have come up. They will get very large and cover up the pipes, etc.

Old North - Virginia bluebells crop April 2023.jpg

In the Old North garden the Virginia bluebells have buds.

Old North - lots of bloodroot crop April 2023.jpg

And right next to them the bloodroot has an enormous patch.

New West - puschkinia crop April 2023.jpg

In the New West garden the puschkinias have been up for over a week and I kept forgetting to get a photo. Now they are starting to go by.

New West - bunch of tulips crop April 2023.jpg

If there’s any sun on Wednesday, these tulips in the New West garden will open.

First Fence - fried daffs crop April 2023.jpg

The 1st Fence daffodils, along with most of the others in the yard, got fried in the heat.

Monday was a washout, got seedlings sorted out (ones up, ones not yet) and not much else. Slept a lot. Tuesday I got laundry done, the kitchen cleaned up, and my helper friend and I fixed the utility sink that wouldn’t drain properly then went upstairs and got 4 windows washed. Then I slept in the afternoon and went to bed early.

I’d gotten a call from the new window cleaners company and they are coming out on Wednesday for 6 hours to do the hardest windows. That will wipe me out for sure. Six hours is not even close to what is needed to do 43 windows, but we’ll see how far we can get on the harder ones.

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