Gardens and Onions - August 22, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

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Well, I did it again. And it wasn’t good. I managed to delete the entire lot of yesterday’s photos before transferring them. I so hate it when I do that. Fortunately it wasn’t dark yet and I went out and took as many new ones as I could.

I was up at 5:30AM on Thursday and got that post up and then got the kitchen cleaned up. It was again pretty cold in the house and I ended up sitting in my chair with a blanket over me and a cat on me, reading. I finally got going around 9AM and went out to work on the 6 trees and shrubs by the Big garden.

I started at the East lilacs, cleaning out weeds and pruning. It’s started losing leaves to the mildew, but it’s happening really late this year. Next was the white lilac and that was mostly weeding. The last one I did was the spirea. I had to deadhead it and that took the best part of an hour. Then I pruned it and weeded. By then it was nearly noon and my helper friend was due.

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The ones I didn’t do yet

So I went inside to call the lawnmower guy to tell him my helper friend was coming to pick up the weedwacker. Then my helper friend calls and says he will be ½ hour late. So I called the lawnmower guy back. Then I ate some lunch.

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The ones not hung up

Next I went out and started setting up to do onions. Once that was done I took the truck up and filled it with mulch chips. But I realized that Tom had not told me how to raise the York rake he’d left on the back of the Kubota when he brought it back. So I spent 15 minutes trying to figure that out. Fortunately, I didn’t wreck anything in the process.

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My helper friend arrived while I was doing the loading and I sent him off. I got the truck back to the house, weeded the onion beds, and started pulling the storage onions. These photos are of the Walla Sweet onions, but all the ones I took of the size of the storage onions are gone. They were about the same size or larger, softball size.

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My helper friend got back with the weedwacker just as I finished loading the tote and helped me carry it to the cleaning area I had set up. I washed the dirt and rotting skins off and he trimmed the roots and braided them. He got them hung up in the shed while I cleaned up.

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I couldn’t do any more on Thursday so I sent him out to finish the Little Trees mulch raking and weeding project.

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Then he got the area where the peas had been weeded, and the carrot row.

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Then he moved over and he got the north end of the Big garden’s weeding started. We found 2 small cabbages where we’d pulled up the first one, so we took them inside to make into sauerkraut on Friday after he finishes the foliar feeding.

While he was doing all this I was resting in my chair reading with cat help.

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My son had gone out mid afternoon and gotten the 3 shrubs I’d weeded in the morning and the Kousa dogwood mulched with wood chips.

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The photography supervisor when I was re-taking all the pictures in the evening

On Friday while my helper friend does the foliar feeding, I have to cook the beets and get them cooled and packaged for the freezer. Hopefully I will be mostly done when he comes in to make sauerkraut.

Depending on how tired I am, I may go out and work on the 3 trees’ gardens. It’s to be a bit warmer, near 80F, so we will see.

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