Cleaning up Gardens, Part 1 - August 18, 2022 @goldenoakfarm

Big garden - cosmos flower crop August 2022.jpg


On Thursday, after another cool night for sleeping, I didn’t have anyone coming to help. So I sozzled around and finally went out to the Big garden about 9:30.

Big garden - artichokes crop August 2022.jpg

I weeded the artichokes. There are a lot of chokes coming along.

Big garden - hollyhocks cut back crop August 2022.jpg

When we were laying mulch on Wednesday, we had to cut down the hollyhocks. They had finished flowering and were decimated by rust. I cleaned up the remnants and hope they will be able to grow enough to fortify the roots for the winter. That’s assuming they are perennials.

Big garden - celery north crop August 2022.jpg

I’ve not had celery do so well before. I will get a nice crop in the fall, I hope.

Big garden - Wallas left crop August 2022.jpg

Then I weeded the onions rows. These are some of the Wallas left to process. They will be chopped for the freezer and used in spaghetti sauce and ketchup.

Big garden - beans pulled up crop August 2022.jpg

Next was to pull up all the green beans. There’s 2 Canterbury Bells in the middle of this row along with a couple nasturtiums.

Big garden - fallen cosmos crop August 2022.jpg

The cosmos plants got so big they fell over, even with the supports I put in. They are just starting to flower now.

Big garden - feverfew crop August 2022.jpg

I didn’t have to do anything for the feverfew. It’s lush and bushy and has a wonderful scent.

Big garden - peppers crop August 2022.jpg

I had to tie up a few tomatoes but the peppers were doing fine.

Big garden - cleome crop August 2022.jpg

I always let a few volunteer cleome grow at the end of these rows. They are pretty small this year due to the drought.

Big garden - leeks crop August 2022.jpg

In front of them are the leeks. They are doing ok, considering.

Big garden - Swiss chard crop August 2022.jpg

The Swiss chard is doing beautifully considering the drought. Next to it, the spinach had bolted in the heat last week, so I pulled it up.

Big garden - mesclun beds crop August 2022.jpg

I stopped with the Swiss chard. I still have some weeding and clean up to do in the areas I worked in, plus this mesclun bed. There are also 2 rows of celery to clean up also. Lots of apples and crabapples have fallen and those need to be picked up.

On Friday my backup helper is coming, I think, and if she does, we will bring up the hay bales we go on Monday to finish the pea area and do the bean area. It’s to get hot again so I won’t last long. We may do some of the Wallas for the freezer.

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