Back in the New Herb Garden - July 15, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

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On Monday morning I didn’t manage to get out to the garden until 6:30AM. I discovered the rain in the night had knocked down many of the plants. So I went and got all the posts I had and lots of baling twine and started tying up plants.

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I started with the Echinacea purpurea as it was the biggest mess. Then I replaced the chicory’s post, but I didn’t have a tall enough one, so it still blocks the walkway.

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I worked my way down the first row, tying up the elecampane, and wormwood. The second row I tied up the tansy and moved the borage into its bed. The third row was the Echinacea paradoxa, spearmint, and bee balms. Finally, after an hour of work, I could start what I had come out there to do, weed the walkways.

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New Herb garden – 3 walkways finished

I also did a small amount of weeding and deadheading in the beds as I went. I finished at 9AM. I went inside and rested for an hour before heading up to the barn to do the mowing. The grass was really high and wet, but it was to be another hot day and I wanted to get done. I couldn’t believe it but the mower only plugged up twice and I finished in an hour!

I came back and got a shower and rested for a long time before making some lunch. I eventually went to bed and dozed off and on.

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The cat and I spent the rest of the day in front of the fan in the office.

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I talked with the agency for home help and they were going to try to reach someone for the authorization, but I don’t guess they succeeded because I didn’t get another call. I hope to hear something on Tuesday.

My son went out in the evening with a friend and got the truck unloaded. The truckload did 1 walkway. I have to reload the truck on Tuesday.

My intern #2 called and she is coming at 6AM on Tuesday to finish the New Herb garden. I don’t think it will take more than 2 hours with 2 of us, but the walkways are much worse than the first 3 were.

I haven’t decided if I’m going to do errands afterwards or try to make a zucchini ravioli recipe I found.

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