Another Big Project Done - June 8, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

New Herb - last walkway before crop June 2024.jpg

On Saturday it was to be a perfect day to be outside, partly cloudy, low 70’s and a slight breeze. I wasn’t going to waste another day to this cough. So I was out there by 6:45AM. This was the first walkway. The intention was to clean out walkways.

I’d left a note for my brother that I needed to go to the bank and Post Office before they closed at noon. I thought he’d be up by 9AM or 9:30AM. So I was just going to do walkways until he got up.

New Herb - last walkway comparison crop June 2024.jpg

But as I went down, there weren’t many weeds in the beds, so I cleaned out the half of the bed I could reach. When I reached the end where the yarrow was, it was a much harder job to get the weeds out of the yarrow. But I did and went around the end of the bed. I’d filled 3 of the sleds so far.

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So I came down the next walkway, cleaning out beds on both sides as I went. Still no brother. So I came around the end of the second bed and kept going. I’d made it to the end of the 3rd bed and walkway when he appeared at 10:30AM. So I put my tools away, left the sleds for my son to dump (I’d filled 6) and got a shower and we did the errands.

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There was this part left to do. When we got home I decided to rest a couple hours and see how I felt. Then the forecast changed and it said it was to rain about 1PM. By 2PM, no rain, so I got ready and went back out.

Six sleds awaiting crop June 2024.jpg

My son had dumped these 6 sleds for me and then did 2 more before he left for work. I filled 2 more after that.

New Herb - weed comparison crop June 2024.jpg

The left photo I took a couple days ago after a rainstorm. If you didn’t know most of it was weeds, it looked pretty good. I was on a roll, it was a gorgeous day, and I was determined to finish weeding all the walkways AND all the beds.

Fortunately I had weeded the first 2 at the end a few weeks back, prepping them for planting that never happened. I was so glad I had because the hardest thing I had to do was cut a whole sled load of seed heads off the woad. I finished all the weeding at 5:15PM. It had taken me 7 hours, but the whole garden was ready to plant.

I cleaned up and got another shower. My brother called and we decided Chinese was the order of the day. We’d planned pesto chicken, batata salad, and sugar pod peas but both were too tired to cook.

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My brother has this Mustang he’s had since his teens, I think. He’s restored it and his greatest pleasure is going for rides in it on beautiful days. He prefers to ride alone, listening to whatever music he prefers. But he offered to take me for a ride in it as it was such a beautiful evening.

So we went for a short ride and it was a lot of fun. I’d not ridden in a car like it since my husband’s ’69 Camaro back in the mid 70’s. He had fun playing with it, burning out and revving it up after stop lights. It’s a wonderful car for rides, very comfortable seats, music, and it’s so clean and beautiful. He has a good garage he stores it in and never drives it if there’s any chance of rain.

We were back by 8:15PM and went to bed once the house was closed up against the coming rain during the night. It’s to rain all day on Sunday. The plan is to finish the second floor windows. And rest.

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