A Garden Finished - February 26 & 27, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

Transcribing garden beds crop Feb. 2024.jpg

Monday was laundry, a load of dishes, and exercise class. I was completely wiped out after exercise class and just dozed the rest of the day.

Tuesday I was much better and got the kitchen cleaned up, chores done and decided to start on the transcription for the garden beds. I did the hardest one first, a new file for the new Little Trees. That needed a map in addition to being set up. Once I’d finished that, I did the next hardest one for the Big garden. I’d made changes to the garden plan and had to note them for when I make the plan online. I use my photos to make notes on plants from, in addition to the transcription.

I got a call from the soil company and they are shipping my pallet of seed starting mix on Wednesday. My brother will have to get the plow off the truck and I will have to coerce my son into riding with me on Thursday or Friday when it arrives at a local fence shop. They have a forklift to get it off the truck and into my truck.

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As always the transcription supervisor was right nearby, on the job.

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New South – Sweet William

New South - cleaned out looking east crop Feb. 2024.jpg

I worked on transcription until noon then stopped. The forecast was for a lovely afternoon before it started to rain in the evening. I hoped to get one flowerbed cleaned out and finished.

I went out to get my equipment and discovered someone had absconded with my BulbTone bucket. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I had one more the same size, but it was full of bonemeal. That had sat so long it had hardened and it took me a good while to chip out all the bone meal.

I finally was able to get started with the New South garden. It’s one of the biggest, but would be the easiest to work in. I started at this end and worked east.

New South - cleaned out looking west crop Feb. 2024.jpg

There were lots of tulips and daffodils coming up. My helper friend had cleaned it out last fall but he doesn’t weed well, mostly just cuts stuff down. So lots of things had been growing all winter and I had to dig them out.

New South - snowdrops 47 crop Feb. 2024.jpg

Once I made it to the east end, I took notes on what was up and how it was doing. Then I spread BulbTone around the bulbs and FlowerTone over the rest of the garden.

These snowdrops have been flowering for a couple weeks now. Behind them is a hollyhock that still has green leaves. This winter has been so bizarre.

New West - snowdrops crop Feb. 2024.jpg

I got my photos and cleaned up around 3:30PM. This is the alcove on the New West garden by the front steps, lots of snowdrops. The ones at the bottom have been flowering since January.

On Wednesday I have exercise class and then my general helper will be here to set up shelving for the seedlings. We also need to inventory the peat pots and there’s a few more seeds that need biology put in the packets. I ought to be good and wiped out by the time she leaves at 4PM.

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