First tender corn harvest of the year 🌽 for home feeding

Hey Hive!

A warm greeting to all my fellow gardeners 🌽 I want to show you how the corn planting has been this year, I want you to observe also a food that I prepare that is traditional of this rainy season in my town, the more it is raining the faster the corn plants grow....

Last June and July I used the lunar cycles to grow corn seeds, 🌘 I always sow the seeds of most plants between the crescent or full moon cycle since at those times the internal moisture of the earth rises to the surface...

What I did was to wait for the crescent moon and then on the morning 🌙 of the crescent moon, I planted the seeds, I used some seeds that I had reserved from last year's planting and in less than a week the plants were already about 25 centimeters in size.

One month after cultivation...

After a month, the corn plants are over a meter and a half, I planted a white corn that is also good for making arepas... I like to sit in the mornings to watch the plants, so last month I went to water the plants when it was not raining and breathed the fresh air while watching the wonderful green color. 🌾 I love life in the countryside, life among the land respecting and loving our planet.

In the agricultural field of corn there is an immense demand for corn, especially in the central zone which is where I live, the main diet is with foods derived from corn... It is important to know about zoning and what can be done in the best way at the time of cultivation and in the process of plant growth, it is important to preserve our land with plenty of fertilizer and without chemicals, that the agro-climatic conditions are developed in an organic way almost one hundred percent. The ideal is to plant corn in a humid, fertilized soil, rich in a variety of climates, with sun certain hours a day, preferably at midday.

Harvesting corncobs

There are three phases for harvesting corn: when the grain is tender, when the grain is hard and when the grain is ripe...

When corn is tender I like to eat some of them raw, or sautéed with meats or salads, in this case I am going to show you one of the meals I prepare to be able to feed myself at lunch...

Continuing to talk about the planting of corn, it is important to be very careful with the watering of the plants throughout its growth, it is also important to eliminate pests that eat both the leaves and the grains, which is why every day or at least every three days you have to clean the leaves of other plants, you have to clean the bush that grows around and also have to leave a distance of at least five centimeters between each plant.

I harvested the corn this morning, a beautiful morning indeed, the bright sun and clear sky filled me with a pleasant energy and tranquility.

The corn plants are in their first stage as far as the ears are concerned, so I took some tender corn and let others mature a little more.

I selected abundant and large white corn, it is always normal to get some damaged cobs because there are birds that eat them, it is a constant fight with them but at the end of the day I don't argue much with the animals either 🐦 Here there is food for everyone!

After taking the cobs that are tender, I can do whatever I want with them, in this case I will make my lunch and I want to show you a taste of how we should treat the seeds to prepare the dish...

First, the cobs must be peeled, the buds must be removed from the leaves covering the seeds...

The corn will be clean, but you can also rinse it, washing it with water at room temperature, better if it is fresh water, not hot.

Patiently peel the leaves, separating them leaf by leaf,

Corn has a certain "fur" that is part of the flower of the plant, which must also be removed.

That fur is actually the ear of the pod at the top of each of those.

Afterwards, each of the cobs should be washed very well and can be reserved at room temperature or prepared immediately in the kitchen, I recommend you cook immediately whatever you want to prepare.

A simple way to husk the corn is to pass a knife over each ear, which are straight and from top to bottom is done a little pressure,

The fresh corn kernels come out easily, the procedure is repeated several times.

You can process the corn with various ingredients and cook it on the griddle... It is up to the taste of each person what they want to prepare with their harvest! In this case here is a traditional dish called "Cachapas" and that was the one I prepared.

I prepared the cachapas along with some seasonings also from the farm and accompanied with unsalted cottage cheese, garlic, paprika, parsley, olive oil, mustard and oregano powder (which by the way is from our family farm and in future publications I will show you).

Just like this food, so much can be done with corn, I thank the earth for giving me food and mother nature for providing for me at every moment. It is an ideal balance with all our planet earth and that the garden gives us... What you can do and what I recommend is to germinate corn seeds and then try to experiment with the cob and its various preparations at home.

🌱 Hands to plant! Thank you for your attention.

Images of my authorship edited in PicsArt

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