Garden Update - Day 60

Hello Everyone,

The garden is looking really good on this breezy cool partially sunny day in upstate New York.

Let's have a look at how everything is doing.





The tomato plants are doing pretty great.

I have a few different varieties. One is beefsteak, one is Cherokee, and I forget what the third is but hopefully I'll remember again soon.

The plant with the deformed looking tomato is the beefsteak I think, and the small plant that is tied up with yellow rope is the Cherokee. I have high hopes that we'll get a few Cherokee tomatoes because I've heard they are super delicious.


This bean plant is a Garden King variety and is grown from seed like the Cherokee tomato plant. Everything else was bought in a nursery and I think they were all clones because they exhibited full maturity in their features for such small plants to begin with, and they grew like wildfire.

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The squash is the dominant plant in this garden, no question about it. I'm rather impressed with these plants and they've already produced fruits that have been consumed and are starting to rapidly produce lots of flowering sites. There might end up being tons of squash in this garden.


I can't remember for sure how many eggplants we started with but there's two healthy plants growing these pretty purple flowers. The eggplants made a valiant effort in shooting up high so that they did not get overgrown by the squash. I'm impressed by their growth as well.


There's green and red bell pepper plants alongside the back fence in the garden. There's a lot of weeds back there and if those things are to have a chance I will need to get in there for some serious weeding soon. My optimism is not very high for the pepper plants currently, but that's ok.

The cucumbers have started taking off like weeds and growing along the floor of the garden and up the fence. We can see yellow flower sites where cucumbers should start growing soon.


I think the cucumbers might end up surprising us and doing pretty good.

Let's look inside the tent just because..


This Crack Mack is shaping up to be a star.


And can we take a moment to appreciate these aloe plants? :D

Do we sense a little mother/daughter competition going on here?

Daughter is on the right showing off her busty new curves, while mother has her back to her in a somewhat proud yet dismissive gesture.

Yes she is very proud to have produced a daughter that rivals her size, but mother is still the queen in this tent.


Thank you for stopping by!

Have a good day! -@futuremind

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