GARDENING: Cleaning our frontyard

Gardening is one of my hobbies. It makes my heart calm and gives me peace of mind.

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Hello, my beloved hivers? How was your day today? Upon exploring the hive, I saw an interesting community and decided to write about my gardening moments in our house.

It's finally vacation time! I would like to spend my vacation here in the house to rest for awhile, even though schoolwork is still bothering me. Still, I'm so happy for this valuable moment that I'm here in the house so I can do whatever I want to.

This season is rainy, and it's good for planting. But since the grass is growing freely, I didn't let them because the space was for the vegetables.

I started removing the grasses with an old "espading" until the area is totally clean.

On this day, I planted four different kinds of vegetables in our front yard.


These are cassava stems.

I cut them into small pieces and make a sharp edge to make sure that it will be easy to plant in the ground. This will take 4-5 months before harvesting. It's a good preparation for a starving month.


These are sweet potato stalks.

The leaves of the sweet potatoes are not as good as you can see because the army worms are spreading across our place and eating every plant they can reach. I wanted to try growing some of these because they're one of my favorites.


These are malabar spinach.

These are also called "alugbate" in Hiligaynon. I believe that it's one of the easiest plants to grow. It's also a healthy and delicious vegetable.


These are monggo beans.

Monggo beans grew 1 meter tall unlike the string beans. They're easy to grow as well. It's good when paired with some malabar spinach.


This is the outcome.The most fulfilling moment is seeing the fruit of our own efforts.

Gardening is really tiring; it takes much of my time. But this is a way to deal with boredom and stress at home. Living on the farm is something to be proud of. I'm grateful that I know how to do this kind of stuff. It's safer to plant our own rather than buy from the market.

I would like to spread awareness, especially among the youngest generation, that planting is important. Without our beloved planters, we will be struggling to find healthy foods like vegetables.

It's sad to imagine how people nowadays are living their lives. Instead of making the most of their free time by doing something valuable, people are consumed by the convenience of using technology.

May this post touch the hearts of the people who are degrading and belittling our dear vegetable planters. They are also part of the community. And I hope that the government will also do its best to support our local farmers.

Thank you so much for reaching this far. I truly appreciate you all. I hope that you will share your thoughts about this post in the comment section.

Have a nice and healthy life!

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