Pumpkin challenge, First world Hive championship

In one of the #HHHlive hangouts, when @beeber shared a post about the First World HIVE championship set by @der-prophet, the Pumpkin challenge, I thought it would be great if I could participate in the same one, if I were a little closer to my cottage, in where my mother grows various vegetables and fruits.

I've shared pictures from the garden before, strawberries and various beautiful garden flowers, but never pumpkins.

Do I even have them in the garden?

I asked my mother, who spends every beautiful day there from early spring to late fall.
"Of course we have pumpkin," she tells me, "just the other day I planted two. Do you want me to send you pictures?"

"It's a shame that we don't have pictures of the pumpkin seeds when they were in a small pot, before being brought out into the garden.
Send me photos.
But just so you know, I'll need a few pictures every week to show how the pumpkins are progressing, how their leaves are growing, how they're ripening and forming the fruit, how the fruit is growing. And when it's time to harvest, I'll come too, to take pictures of the big pumpkin before someone else picks it. OK?” I asked her.
"It's OK," she told me.

And so in this @hive-world-champ Pumpkin Challenge, I'll share the pictures my mother sends me, and finally, when it's harvest time, I'll take pictures too.
I hope that is according to the rules of participation 🙂

First week


Second week


I have a terrace in the apartment where I live, but it's still nicer when the compettition involves pumpkins that grow under a clear sky in a field, and not in a pot...

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