Forced Chilli Harvest

I like growing my own food but I am a bit of a lazy gardener. I've been struggling to find the time to do any serious gardening since I became a father. One of the things I like about plants is they pretty much grow by themselves and are a lot easier to raise than kids, but still I do manage to screw that up on the regular too!

Our new house doesn't really have a garden since I haven't done the landscaping. My wife convinced me last Spring that we should at least have a Makeshift Victory Garden for the New Home so those little seedlings I wrote about back then have been doing their thing for a while now. The Tomatoes are done, but the Chillis are still going strong...well, they were.

Cayenne Chillis are pretty hardy plants that don't need a lot of attention but a decent storm came through the other day and they got messed up pretty bad. The biggest one pretty much had it's trunk snapped off and I was hoping that I could tape it up or do something to save it, but today I got the snippers out and put it out of its misery. There is a small green shoot below the break so the plant will hopefully survive and maybe it will have another growth spurt next season.

Thus, I was forced to harvest all the green un-ripened chillis from the broken trunk and there is a LOT there. I normally don't eat them green because I like the heat for my nachos or bolognaise. They are more like capsicums to me at this stage of growth but they still smell good. There's too many all at once for me to eat anyway so I'll try and give them to some friends. Our neighbor is Indian and loves to cook and we have a Malaysian family friend who also is a big chilli lover so I'm sure they won't go to waste. They look good in the photo so I thought I'd share.

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