Growing Tomato, From SEED to HARVEST


Growing Tomato, from SEED to Harvest!

Homegrown Tomato is one of the easiest and tastiest from your garden! Follow along as I show you in this short video, from Sowing Seeds in March, to harvesting fresh, tasty Tomato, All Summer Long! My gardens are in New England, zone 6b/7a.

Whether you are picking Sweet Cherry tomato for snacking, beefsteak and slicers for a fresh tomato sandwiches, or, harvesting Roma, San Marzano, and Plum type for making Sauces, these are wonderful fruits to have in your own home garden. Please let me know in the comments, what do you do with your home grown tomato?

Consider Sharing and Subscribing on YouTube. It really helps me out if you subscribe to my YouTube Channel...
...and of course, if you SHARE the Video, too! MANY Thanks!

Most of you know, I prefer to grow my own food, locally. It's healthier for my family, and for the planet. I know what goes into my foods, and what chemicals are NOT in my food. Also, It cuts down on carbon emissions, less trucking, planes, trains, and boats, to get fresh foods to my table.

And that makes me smile... better for the planet, better for my own family.

Are you growing and gardening? Are you participating in GroVid23? use the hashtag #growvid23 for your gardening posts, too!

Let me know below in the comments...

#gardening #tomato #harvest #gardentips #homesteading

Show me your garden!
Leave me a comment, below...
and a link to your #GroVid23 garden!

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid23 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy Gardening and Cheers,

All Images by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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