Top ten flower power 🌻

The arrival of Spring brings with it an explosion of color, smell and beauty.
following are our top 10 flowers for March.

our various Japanese Plums (Prunus mume) provide our most beautiful Sakura spectacle. millions of tiny flowers buzzing with bees, other insects and birds.

Wild Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) is common in our area and there is a large patch on the farm and many individual plants scattered throughout. this plant, beside being medicinal is a staple food for bugs and bees, its perfume is very pleasant and is a powerful natural repellent for tics, bad bugs and the like.

Hawthorn (Crataegus) starts flowering its snow flake like flowers. due to different genetics, our plants flower over a long period of time. after the white comes the berries red.

the Magnolia flowers with a very eye catching Magneta while many plants are totally camouflaged among the exploding herbs.

there is nothing as promising as these little Strawberry flowers. they are an amazing cover crop and are planted under trees to shade over their root systems in summer. it is very gratifying to go for a walk and find their fruit pretty much everywhere.

many types of Cabbages and Kales tend to glean at that time of year producing a Broccoli type pod which mounts up to tremendous amounts of food.

the beautiful flower of the Donut Peach is another tasty promise for the summer months.

Broad Beans with their eye like flower are a staple food we saw not only in the vegetable beds, but also around young trees for their Nitrogen fixation capacity. yield is very high and seeds are easy to be kept from one season to the next.

Rosemary is another medicinal plant that is well adapted to our harsh climate. also a repellent for unwanted insects, it also attracts beneficial ones. used in cooking, enhances memory and much more.

White Broom (Cytisus multiflorus) fills the air with its delicate perfume and spots the farm with white. traditionally used as a natural broom, hence the name. it is a pioneer plant that leads the way and creates the conditions for weaker plants to grow under it. in a process called succession, once trees overgrow the broom and shade over it, it will die off. widely used for germination of Acorns. the broom provides them with shade, humidity, protection from the wild boars, Nitrogen that it fixes and wind breaker.

there are many other plants that did not make it into this list not because they are any less important or beautiful.
many other plants are lined up to flower in April. Sage, Honeysuckle, Yellow Broom, Cherries, Apples, Apricots just to name a few.


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