Taphrina Deformans

Taphrina deformans on the leaf of a young Almond tree

Taphrina deformans, also called Peach leaf curl or Peach tree leprosy is a fungus that appears on the leaves of Peaches, Almonds and occasionally Apricots and Plums.
it appears in spring when temperatures start to rise while humidity is still high and coincides with the appearance of new, tender leaves on these deciduous trees.

against all external critics and advices of locals around us, we have a firm belief in the curative power of nature. in general, we always observe and imitate nature as we know he is the real gran master.

a now 4 year old Peach tree use to suffer from this fungus in previous years. it was left to lose the affected leaves and is now totally healed and resistant to the fungus. he shows no signs of it whatsoever.

the young Almond in the above photo we´ll have to go through the same process.

as soon as temperatures rise enough and humidity percentage drops, the fungus disappears until the following Spring, having affected many leaves that will end up drying and falling to the ground.


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