Beautiful flowers in the garden: Suggestions for their care

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With the arrival of the rains and the cleaning we have done in the garden, the patio looks more cheerful and colorful, the flowers show their beauty and perfume, although the area is arid we can observe that with the irrigation system we have implemented the plants stay green and with beautiful flowers, with the installation of tubes along the ground the work of watering the plants is easier and more comfortable and allows keeping the soil moist for longer, in this way the plants can better absorb nutrients.

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Among the flowers that we have in the garden, I really like one that is known as "Bella las once" (Portulaca grandiflora). This beautiful flower has the peculiar characteristic that it blooms approximately between 10:00 and 11:00 in the morning, in At this time, the capuyo opens little by little and at 11:00 a.m. you can see the flower in all its splendor, it has various colors; yellow, white, fuchsia red and orange.

It is a kind of succulent herb that spreads throughout the garden creating a beautiful natural tapestry with its beautiful flowers; this plant reproduces fast, when the flower dries up, the seeds fall to the ground and new plants grow in the garden.

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"The "paper flower" (Zinnia peruviana) is also part of the garden and adapts very well to warm climates, its colors are striking and the petals seem to be made of paper and glued one by one, its colors are vibrant and the texture is soft, The flower remains firm for approximately 4 days, its care is simple, it is watered in the morning with little water, the dry leaves are removed taking care not to detach the stem or move the root, in some cases it is preferable to let the dry leaves fall and use them as fertilizer for the soil.

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Some suggestions to take care of the garden and have beautiful flowers are:

*Have a water source that allows watering the land and maintaining adequate humidity for optimum plant growth.

*Remove the soil and add natural fertilizer or compost.

*Preferably plant the plants in places that are not directly exposed to sunlight, a little shade would be very useful for their development.

*Carry out the cleaning in the morning hours, the first hours of the day are ideal for this work; since the sun's rays have little intensity and the morning dew is a good ally for this task.

*With the peels of vegetables and vegetables we can prepare compost and add it to the soil, in this way the plants can absorb different nutrients for their healthy growth.

*Wear gloves during cleaning to avoid being bitten by insects that regularly live with plants.

Applying these simple steps we can have a beautiful garden and colorful flowers.

During today's day a beautiful butterfly perched on the flowers, it stayed still for a few seconds and I took the opportunity to take several pictures

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              All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera. Dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000. Divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet. 
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