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Hello all of my friends of the Hive Universe. Today I am going to talk about a super food tree which local name is Drumstick. Scientific name is++ Moringa oleifera++. It is come from the Moringaceae family. In my last vacation during Eid-ul- fetor I was going to my in-law house. During that time I took those pictures.

In my in-law new house, our house is under construction. It is not completed yet. There have total four drumstick tree. In the front of the house three drumstick tree are placed in a row. One is located in the right side of the house which hight is more than other. And back side there is another one. This one have no leaves. But contains drumstick. And I see flower in that tree.


My home town is in Gopalganj district. Usually, my mother cook this drumstick with lentil. I know that it is only cook with only lentil. But in my in-law house that is situated in kushtia , my mother in-law cook this drumstick with potato. She make carry potato with drumstick. She also fry drumstick leaves. My husband like it leaves fry.


I didn't know more about it’s nutrition value . My mother brought it from the market and cooked it and I eat. Now in my home has one drumstick tree. As I am a student of Agriculture department, I know about this broadly in my Agro- forestry course.


I know about nutritive properties of different parts of drumstick tree. For example :From leaves we can get fibre, fat proteins, source of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium), source of vitamins.
From seeds we can get fats, fiber, proteins minerals, vitamin A,B,C and also amino acids .
From flower we can get calcium and potassium, amino acid and also contain nectar. Pods or drumstick, it is rich in fibers, lipids, non- structural carbohydrate and also fatty acid.


Medicinal Uses of Moringa oleifera:
We can get antioxidant. It helps to increased mental clarity. It stimulates hair growth. It enhances skin health. It increases energy and endurance. It improves digestion. It normalizes blood pressure and also blood sugar. It reduces wrinkles or age lines. It also works in vision improvement. It eliminates constipation and so on..



100g moringa dry leaves = 10 times more vitamin A from carrots 1/2 times more vitamin C from oranges 17 times more calcium than milk 15 times more potassium than banana 25 times more Iron than spinach 9 times more protein than Yoghurt.


Drumstick is a multi purpose tree and it helps to prevent many kind of diseases. I love to eat drumstick. Thank you all for reading my post. Have a nice day.

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