Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Jun 30 / マイクロバルコニーの記録


It's the last day of the first half of 2024. How is your gardening in the first half of the year? For me it is an enjoyable one as always.

Lately, in my area, we have been experiencing a cycle of extremely warm temperatures and then severe thunderstorms that bring the temperatures down. It seems this is the case all over Germany as well. There were days when thunderstorms caused trains and flights to be cancelled.

The second half of the week was filled with days over 30 degrees Celsius and early in the morning there was the sound of thunder and heavy rain. I closed the windows at 4:00 a.m. to keep the rain from blowing in. I was fortunate to fall asleep again after that, but I missed my favorite Sunday morning time on the quiet balcony. It happens.

It seems strange to say that thanks to the thunderstorm, but nature did the watering. Because of this, I don't think I have watered as much this year as in previous years. I never get tired of seeing the raindrops. I wish it watered tomatoes not from top but only to their soil ... 🍅


Plants are doing well as if the abnormal weather is nothing to worry about. Tomatoes are flowering and producing fruit, and the bitter melons are climbing up the asparagus, ignoring the strings I set up. One plant that may start to climb up a little bit 😉 As I watch nature go its own way, I realize I or we can live freely like it.


Last week I welcomed a plant called Waldmeister (sweet woodruff in English) to my balcony. From the leaves of this plant you can make a unique green syrup. In Germany, it is used for jelly, beer.... I had been thinking about whether or not to buy it for a few weeks, thinking that my daughter would be happy with it. I bought it at a market stand where I often buy vegetables and seedlings. I found it looked a little less energetic probably because of the heat. A lady at the stand said it will do good in shade. Now it's planted in the best shade in the balcony with other shade loving plants.


In addition, I planted pumpkin seeds that were too cute not to buy and planted green beans influenced by @aitommylr's post 😅 This is the time more for preparing for fall and winter, but I want to grow and eat many vegetable ... that's gardening, right? Good to try!


Recently I taught daughter to thin out the carrots and she was so happy with the mini carrots that she kept thinning them out and there were really less left in the pot. Indeed the mini carrots are cute. I can understand why she can't wait.


Everyday we get some carrots from her. I used it for deco on my sandwich. Ja, it's cute.


In addition to my own balcony, I brought soil and plants to the office and finally started gardening on the office balcony. I hope to gradually add more plants and take care of them. Like I did for the community container garden last year.


That's it about this week. Have a great Sunday, everyone, and happy gardening 🌻

🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞






植物たちは異常気象はどこ吹く風という感じに元気にしています。トマトは花をつけ、実をつけ、ゴーヤは私の設置した紐を無視してアスパラガスを登って行っています。ちょっとだけまきひげをひっかけて登り始めてくれた株があります😉 自然のそれぞれ我が道を行く様子を見るにつけ、自由に生きようと思うのです。




そのほか、かわいすぎて買わずにいられなかったかぼちゃの種をまいたり、@aitommylr さんの投稿に影響されてインゲンをまいたり 😂 この時期は秋冬の準備をする時期というのに往生際が悪いですが、いろいろ育てて食べてみたいので・・・that's gardening です。







そんなこんなの一週間。みなさん、素敵な日曜日を。Happy Gardening!

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