Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Aug 18 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

In the region of Germany where I live, we've been experiencing days with temperatures soaring above 30 degrees Celsius. However, it looks like things will cool down a bit starting today. Since it's expected to rain in the evening, I decided to skip watering the plants.

I enjoyed my usual routine of observing my plants with a cup of coffee in hand, even as a light drizzle began to fall. Good I have roof over the balcony 😊

Right now, there's always something to harvest on the balcony. The green beans are doing particularly well, and after a few days, I have enough to use in stir-fries. I have to thank @aitommylr for inspiring me to plant them after reading her post.

The beans are growing so vigorously that some pods have matured past the ideal harvest time. I’ve decided to let those overripe pods dry out and save the seeds for next year.

Saving bean seeds is simple—I just let them dry out completely on the plant. It’s moments like these that make me glad I bought organic, non-hybrid seeds. Hybrid seeds (F1 varieties) don’t always produce the same plants.

Besides the beans, I often find strawberries, tomatoes, or other surprises waiting for me on the balcony. As I scan the balcony from one end to the other, I often spot a ripe red fruit hanging somewhere. Did you find it in the photo below? 😁

The tomato plant labeled as "Black Tomato" seems to have been mislabeled—it's actually a Green Zebra. Since green tomatoes don’t change color when ripe, it’s tricky to know when to pick them. You have to rely on touch to judge the softness. I’ve decided to pick one today, and I'll cut it up to taste with my daughter when she is back home.

As for the other plants, the spring onions, chives and arugula are coming along nicely. I transplanted some chives from the seed tray into an open spot. The larger spring onions are regrown from the roots of store-bought spring onions. Since I can regrow them, I less mind about price of organic spring onions.

I’m particularly fond of the perennial wild arugula with its smaller leaves. I often sprinkle its seeds like seasoning in any available space on the balcony. Some of the plants may have grown from seeds that scattered on their own. Having these little greens around is so handy when I want to add a touch of green to a sandwich.

This year, I’ve been a bit lazy with growing flowers, but a few tiny sunflowers, about 15 cm tall, have popped up. I’ve planted dwarf varieties before, but these seem even smaller. They have buds forming, so I’m excited to see what kind of flowers will bloom.

Speaking of flowers, the morning glories are blooming beautifully every day. Since organic morning glory seeds are quite expensive here in Germany, I’m thinking of saving seeds to share with customers at the market I have my stand once a month.

That's it for this week. With the weather fluctuating between hot and cool, I’ll take care to stay healthy while continuing to enjoy summer gardening.

Happy gardening!

🌻 🍅 🌻


バルコニーでは日々何かしらとれます。特にインゲン豆の調子がよくて、数日貯めておくと炒め物に仕えるほどの量になります。@aitommylr さんの投稿を読んで植えたので、あいさんに大感謝です。









暑くなったり涼しくなったり、体調に気をつけつつ、夏のガーデニングを楽しみたいです。Happy gardening!

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