The sesame crop has entered its final stages

The crop has formed its pods and it is becoming sessile. In the next coming days it will be cut and its pods will be taught in the sun. Of this, the sesame seeds will be piled in one place below. This crop has entered its final stages
The small holes on the stems in which the moles are formed are closed at the top when they are kept in the sunlight and in a few days the mouth of the seed above it will open, then the moles hidden in it will fall down. Will start
At this time this crop is standing perfectly fine and healthy. For the next few days this crop will be ready and harvested. The hard work of this crop has now started. So that the mole does not fall down while teaching in the cannon, the mouth of the abusers will be up, then the seeds of this crop kept in the sun will dry well. The most laborious work is that.
It is waited for because some dals are ripe and ready and some are still raw and some are the first ones that are still getting flowers and then the flowers turn into dals. It will automatically grow and form branches, at which time it will be cut so that all the plants can bear their fruit.

One thing that should be taken care of while checking this crop is that it should not go inside so as not to damage the crop because if the feet come on top of the weeds, their connection to the ground will be cut and then they will not be able to produce. So caution is necessary by standing outside and the crop can be checked. In the next few days the crop will produce its yield and it will be known how many moles have emerged from the crop and then it will be estimated. After the sale you will know how much savings have come and how much has been spent. I will also tell you about that in the coming days.
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