[Review] Imperivm: Great Battles of Rome HD

Hi, I'm Zighue, greetings to everyone.
Today I'm going to tell you my impressions about this game I played:

Imperivm: Great Battles of Rome HD


It is a strategy game, very similar to other games known to RTS players: Age of Empires and Warcraft.

In the purchase description they bet big, they say that the game is not an RTS (Real Time Strategy) but an RTC (Real Time Conquer) since the game portrays the battles of the greatest conquerors of antiquity. But I saw almost no difference from conventional RTS and this game, the difference that makes them change the 'S' for 'C' is the fact that you can conquer an enemy building and not just destroy it like most RTS.

It's a 2005 game, remastered in HD now in a 2018 campaign, so it's actually a bit old by today's standards, as you can see on this start screen, with about 12 different radio buttons.

I played the first campaign, which tells the story of Scipio, who is charged by the Senate of Rome to attack his enemies on the African coast.

Well my first attempts were failures as you can see in the screenshot below, the game is not easy since I am a connoisseur of this type of game and even playing on Easy difficulty, I had to try at least 7 times, maybe because As a good player, I also have the habit of skipping tutorials and lines, and then at the time of the goals I don't know what to do, even if it was well explained before.


Já que falei sobre as falas, uma coisa que eu gostei bastante foi justamente a parte do audio dos personagens falando. Ficou bem legal, e da uma boa imersão ao jogo, aqui o scout saudando o Scipio:

And talking about what I liked, I have to say what I didn't like, which was the part of the cutscene, which was really confusing, I can't really know when they start, when they end, since at the same time that the cutscene is happening, the game doesn't pause and any battle keeps happening while the cutscene is happening, and twice i got stuck in the cutscene having to close the game to try again.


In the end, after several attempts and changes in strategy, I managed to beat Hannibal and finish this campaign:

It's a difficult game, old and with very locked mechanics for the current times. My opinion is that it's not worth spending money on the game, but for those who want to take a look, follow the Steam page:

Greetings to all, and see you in the next opportunity!

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