Call of Duty Multiplayer match Mission: 380 kills, 63 deaths, 122 assists, and 4 MVPs in 10 game matches.


When I started to play Call of Duty, I never played the match in a multiplayer game mode. I just played there when I was still a beginner. I don't know, but the mission before was always "Kill confirmed," where you would collect the dog tags of your enemy to gain a score. Since I got bored of the game, my priority has always been to increase my ranking. So, I always play in ranked mode.

But when I tried to play again in the match today, I was surprised because there was a new mission, and that was that your team would complete the 150 score within the time that was given.

On my first match game, I don't know if our enemies are just beginners or just don't know how to play the match mode yet. Just like me, I don't know how to play this game either. Haha, I just go with the flow of how my teammates play this game.


But it turns out that my teammates didn't know how to play either, so I think they are just beginners, and COD just gave me a lucky trial of how to play this game.

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Guess what I found during our game match! Lots of money! 🤑 If only this were real, right? I will sing the song, "I wanna be a billionaire, so fucking bad🎶~". I stared at these moneys for a second, my god! I can't take my eyes off of you. Lol

Sigh back to our main topic. How do we play this game's mission?

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There are different kinds of maps in this match. It was a different map and not the same as the ranked mode.

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Example: Killhouse, Summit, and Tunisia Maps. Those maps are easiest for me because their paths and locations are easy to memorize. The hardest map for me is the Shoot House map because the place has too many twists and turns like a labyrinth puzzle. As someone who is not good at directions like this, I admit that I do have a lot of deaths every time this is the location that is given.

As you can see in the image above, there are four locations. These are the locations where you will relocate. After 60 seconds have passed on an objective, the active objective relocates to a new location on the map. So at the beginning, on my first game play, I felt dizzy because of this.


Aside from this, there is also an added skill to make the game more complicated and challenging. These three things are called "chips," which will be your operator's skill. You can only choose one. As for me, I don't use this in the game. But if I have to choose which of these three, I will choose the Poltergeist.


I challenged myself today to see how many opponents I could kill, earn MVPs, and how many deaths I could receive in 10 matches of this game mode.

The result:



My thoughts to having a total of 380 killed opponents.

I didn't know that I could have this total. My prediction would be just around 100+ since I don't know if there are any other players from my side or on the enemy's side who are good at playing this. But I didn't know that I could surpass that. I am satisfied with the result because even if I just earned a total of 380 out of 500 kills in my 10 matches today, it's still a good result. Thanks to my favorite gun, Swordfish.

My thoughts to having a total of 63 Deaths.

Well, I already expected this because I am not a professional player. I am not fast at holding a gun because sometimes I also can't predict my opponent's actions and locations, especially if we don't have a UAV assist. I need that so I can track our enemy's location. My score on this also depends on my focus, my teammates actions, my enemy's gaming skills, and, of course, my internet connection too, because I sometimes experience lag in some parts of my gameplay.

My thoughts to having a total of 122 Assists.

There is this thought that came to my mind. Not just playing this game but every time I play any kind of 5v5 game. If I am not good at scoring, I will focus on assisting. It's okay if I do have a lot of deaths in my gameplay and I am not the MVP of the game as long as I can still help my teammates and give my best to win the game. All good.

My thoughts to having a total of 4 MVPs.

Yay! I am still happy to have 4 MVPs out of 10. At least I only experienced being No. 4 in just one game, and the rest was ranked 2.

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Sometimes being the MVP in this game is not about having a lot of kills and assists. It is also unclear who will be the last man standing. My regret is that I let myself be killed, and it happened before the game was over. Huhu

Did I enjoy playing Multiplayer Match Missions game mode?

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What is satisfying about this game is that you will have UAV assistance a lot of times if you kill a lot of opponents; your chopper will be available to help too; and lastly, I can use the nuclear bomb twice. Which made it say that I am a nuclear killer and ruthless of using a chopper~ Mwehehe Holding a nuclear bomb is a rear-end opportunity for players in this game. I am lucky because I can hold this twice, which increased my score because I killed five players with just one bomb.

This is all for today's game blog! I hope you enjoyed reading~


My other blogs about Codm Topic:

DATE: June 13, 2024

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