A playful rant about playing Call of Duty Mobile after a month.

When we play a game, of course, we are not always experiencing winning; we also experience losing. Which is a way of learning and motivating you to be a better player.

I also have this habit of cursing my allies if they are not doing their role in the game. They are not doing their best. I admit that I am showing my immature side when we lose the game. But I am not the type of person who doesn't see my own mistakes. I admit that I also have a deficiency in skills. At least, I know that. Unlike the other players who are making mistakes, it's like we're still at fault.

It's been a month since I started playing Call of Duty Mobile. At first, I enjoyed playing the game because it's easy to target my enemies. Maybe because I am still at a low level and my enemies are the same as me and are still new to exploring this game. But when I started to reach the higher level and my rank increased, my opponents started to be difficult to handle, especially if my team lacks skills, or, should I say, some of the players in Cod-M are kids.

FIRST RANT: Teammate gameplay skills.

I am at some point in my life when I am mad at my teammates when their way of killing the opponent is just jumping like a frog.


Like, how can they kill our opponent if they are like that? While our opponents are nonchalant and just stay one way, easily pointing their guns at them, and my teammates are the first ones to be killed before they could pull the trigger of their gun, That's why our scores are lower than our opponent's.

SECOND RANT: Position and Route.

Sometimes the annoying thing is that where I am, they are there too. Like, who will cover the other way? So sometimes I'm surprised when I use the sniper gun and I die suddenly and the enemy comes from the other route.



What's even more annoying when I'm using a Sniper DL Q33 gun

DL Q33 is a Sniper-shot sniper rifle. This gun can be used in longer and more hidden places. This is one of my favorite snipers, aside from Locus, because it is easy to target the enemy and I can shoot faster. It also helps me spot our enemies who are positioned in far-away and hidden places, and they also use a sniper gun. This sniper gun is also strong because, with just one bullet, the enemy is instantly dead.

My Sample gameplay while using DL Q33:


I only use my sniper gun when we are at the OASIS or monastery.

is that they're blocking my way, which is why sometimes I can't shoot the enemy because they are in front of me, causing them to be killed first by our opponent.


Can't they see that I am on the back? They can't even be careless, and they are brave enough to be in front, not knowing the possibility that the opponent is in the garage, and in another distant place in the front and waiting for them to show up.

THIRD RANT: A teammate has left the game.

I wonder why we lose so easily. It's easy for them to take positions and kill my teammates. When we lost, my question was answered. There are only four of us, and what's even more annoying is that there are only three of us active in the game. That's why I'm struggling, and our opponents are fast.


Now, what am I supposed to do with these compensation rewards if my win rate record on my profile is already messed up?


And my recent gameplay is always defeat, defeat, defeat! I know that we don't always taste the feeling of victory, but why have I always received defeat? Hahaha

Screenshot_20240527_104505_Call of Duty.jpg


I'm trying my best so that we can win the game, but sometimes I notice that some of my allies always want all the kills. They let their allies get killed before they killed the opponent. Causing a lot of deaths on the gameplay record.

If only we could also kill our own allies, right? especially those who are selfish and only think about their MVP record. Well, I know that, not just in COD-M, but the same goes for other survival and 5v5 mobile games. Sometimes our teammates are also our opponents in the game if we talk about places and MVPs.

But for me, I don't care about those as long as the important thing is that I can increase my winrate.


Now that I have written all my rants, I feel better. I hope you can relate to my lost gaming experiences, especially with CODM players.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy playing because losing in a game and having experiences like this really make our game experience fun, test our skills, and help us learn more from these games. If you don't lose and always win, I don't think you'll be happy playing because there's no effort and you get bored easily.

Professional players also go through this before they become strong at playing, and even if they have been in the top rankings, they also receive defeat. Winning is really only about timing.

and these experiences, I will consider it a lesson to be better and improve in the next gameplay.


DATE: May 27, 2024

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