Hive Gaming Community - Best Video Game Memories: Resident Evil (PlayStation One)

This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.


From my childhood to my adult life (even though I currently don't play video games as much as I did a few years ago), I have a collection of great memories that involve video games... But for this contest, I decided to write about one that is probably one of the best memories that I have and that has the game Resident Evil as its main protagonist. What a game... What a game, my friends! I'm totally crazy about this one and I still like it a lot!

Giant Bomb

I first met this game in my early teens after reading about it in a magazine about new video games that would be released as the big news on the market. When I read what the game was about, I was "mesmerized" by the idea of ​​playing it as soon as possible. I always liked this kind of stories about zombies... And at the time, my interest in reading / watching projects involving zombie stories was kind of "weird" (according to what my parents said and considered as normal teenagers interests).

Mod DB

After a while (and especially after practically begging my parents to buy this game at the time of its release) I was finally able to play this game... And it was amazing! First of all, every minute playing this game I felt like I was in a completely different reality. My parents were never able to understand my obsession with this game and I played it every day for long hours. At times, I forgot that I had to pay attention to my family, my friends and, above all, that I had to live a life in the real world. Crazy times, my friends... Crazy times, haha!


Giant Bomb

Everything about this game fascinated me: the story was sensational, the graphics were revolutionary (at least they were at the time the game was released), the first-person gameplay and all kinds of interactions with places and other characters were very dynamic and the scenarios were very well thought out and planned... All this, to create a real immersion in the game and that made me feel part of that world. Honestly, I think I like this game so much that I can't describe it using just words.


Long nights playing this game made me, for example, miss a few days of school and fail me in some tests because I stopped studying ... All this to continue playing the game and finish it as soon as possible. On weekends, my life was all about playing this game and my parents became more and more worried. They talked to me about my addiction to the video game and the evils it could bring me... But at that time I didn't care about it and just wanted to play more and more. It was a time when addiction was really dangerous for me.

Retrogaming Italia

During a phase, my parents considered taking me to a psychologist so that I could get a "treatment" in order to get rid of my addiction to playing this game and they threatened to break my game if I didn't change my posture (not just the Resident Evil game) , but all the other games I had... and ultimately, breaking the PlayStation One itself). At this point, I was forced to change and adapt myself to a "new reality" (and I need to confess that I hated that phase because I just needed to keep playing this game).

United Games

Code With Mike

I know that some of you may think that this type of memory is not exactly something so cool to write as part of this contest, but as this memory for me is one of the most remarkable... I could not miss the opportunity to write about the how important this game has become in my life (and how much I can laugh when I remember that time). It was great to be able to "relive" those moments by writing this post and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had fun writing it.

This is my entrt for this contest Hive Gaming Community Contes - Best Video Game Memories, which is promoted by @hivegc.

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