The WAAAAAAGH Gathers - Building my 500pt Warhammer 40k Ork Army List

At all times I can hear the clock ticking.

I need to have a small Warhammer army chosen, built, and ready to field within the next 4 weeks. A lot of ADHD hyperfocus has gone into building a list that seem fun, fluffy, and functional. At this point my decisions have to be finalized so I can start focusing my building time on specific units.

My criteria for Week 1 of our 5-month Crusade needs:

  • To be lead by a Warboss of some type.
  • To have a full 3 unit battleline
  • To have a Detachment selected
  • Come to <500 points
  • If possible, be made up of units that will stay with the army as it grows to 1000-1500-2000 points.

I've decided on the Dread Mob detachment as it's new special rule just sounds fun as heck. Check this out:


Risking my own destruction for extra firepower seems propah orky to me. Dread Mob also has a special rule that allows me to run Gretchin as Battleline which is going to help me save a fair amount of points.

I've gone back and forth on this list more times then I can count but I feel confident that this is a list I'll be very happy with overall.


So, to utilize the Detachment rules I'm going to need some of the appropriate units. For Dread Mob this means gretchin, grot walkers, mechs, and stuff led by a Mek. Due to all the constraints on me at this army size I only have a single unit I can use my command points to enchance: My Lootaz lead by a Mek. This is going to be the weak point in my army at 500 points and, if I'm going to find victory they will need protected. I imagine they will spend a lot of time using the Trukk as a mobile bunker.

So this means I'll need distractions. Ten boys and twenty gretchin seems like a good place to start. I could have gone with 30 gretchin to save a few points but, as this army grows, there is no way I'm going to be able to go all gretchin. Taking some boyz now is a 'bite the bullet' type move that will allow them to start earning EXP and wargear now to be better later.

The real centerpiece here is going to be the Marboss in Mega Armor with three MegaNobz with dual Killsaws. At 500 points I think this is going to be a unit that the enemy will have some real issues dealing with at all, especially in the turn of the WAAAAGGHHHH!

I had hoped to have these lads teamed with a Big Mek in Mega Armor to make use of his healing but this is going to have to wait until I get an extra 250 or 500 points to add to my army.


MegaNobz seem crazy good right now and I know I'm going to need a damage sponge type unit. A group of highly armored Orks with twin chainsaw hands should be enough to grab my opponents attention and keep it. A Warboss in MegaArmor leading them is going to be nothing less than a fucking problem.


I'm honestly shocked to not see some Killa Kans on this list. I bought two boxes of them and plan to have them as the backbone of my battleforce but, at 500 points, there is just no room for even their conservative 125 point cost. They will be the perfect units for the Dread Mob buffs and will stabilize my force as soon as they are ready to join.

I got in the Mek mind-state this week by taking an old toy I've had sitting on my kit-bash shelf, comparing it's size to a deff dread, and getting it ready for the table. This is going to be one of the extremely rare shooty Deff Dreads that MIGHT have bocme good enough to run in 10th edition, we'll see!

Meet Ogor:


Simple, straight to the point, and Orky! I found it difficult to get anything to stick well to the more rubberized black arms and legs but, with proper accessorize of the chest-piece and the klaw I think this is clearly a Deff Dread. Now to get him primed, painted, and based!

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