I'm Back With Some Rising Stars!

It's been a while since I posted but guess what we out here! Just picked up a new Rising star pack as well that I wanted to share with you all. For the most part I've given up on Splinterlands for now. It feels like I need to invest a good $1,000 + in order to start earning any kind of decent reward and I'm just not about that right now lol.

Anyways lets jump into Rising Start and picked up where we left off. I have to say I should have kept up with this game but hey better than never right?


It seems like the last time I was in here it looks like the packs open different. I would also like to say I don't like it as it removes the shock/surprise factor. Cards are colored so you know what kind is behind it such as rare having a blue hue around it.

In any case we picked up some things and a pretty sweet new rare card. I'm going to be honest I legit have no idea what any of these stats do besides fans which gives me more fans that I have to counter with skill and luck gives me a higher chance at drunks which I feel is a negative. However it does feel like my starbits earned per mission has gone up a bit. I'm not sure why though as I thought the income modifier was not working so is it something else that gives me more starbits per mission and if so what is it and the stats of that?

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