Free Fire: A Psychological Illness [Especially in South America]


Hahaha maybe the title is a bit funny but the point is that it's not a fucking joke, with the arrival of free fire years ago there were mental repercussions "especially in teenagers and children" and adults too of course. Why do I say that this game is a disease for the brain? It's very simple, I have analyzed the behavior of people who have played this since I have been aware, I have seen with my own eyes my friends, cousins, nephews, relatives, etc., a lot of people on social networks and strangers how they have behaved when they play this and how their mentalities transform into something else, "even me" I admit it, this game changes your personality and adulterates your mind a little.

Maybe it's because of how harmful it is, but what makes it so special that it affects you mentally? It's complicated to say but let's agree on one thing okay? This game has something, an essence that catches you, not completely but it does manage to do so in a certain way, it is a somewhat special and different game from the other shooter games, free fire has a unique style of play that manages to capture people's minds. If you ask me personally what makes people get lost in this game to the point of stopping knowing others to continue playing this one constantly, well there are many factors, as I said in the title, this happens more than anything in South America, and well the reason is obvious, in Latin America not everyone has the opportunity to have a high-performance PC or the knowledge about more complex games, in short here in this place people tend to use cell phones more than other video game devices, which makes them be redirected sooner or later to know this game, here in this post I will tell you different perspectives of why all this happens.


Well unfortunately in the world human beings have to compare themselves with each other in order to differentiate and find the reasons for things, in North American countries people also play free fire but it is not as massive as here, one reason for this is that there monetary stability is superior and by far, in a country where people can have the freedom to work a month and buy a ps5 of course free fire is mentally overshadowed by other games. This is one of the main points of why this game falls more in Latin America.

It is true that in South America there are people who have money and the availability to be able to buy a console and play better things than a simple free fire, or not just a console, but a PC, etc., but here another factor that harms and is, "the mentality", for example, I had a girlfriend who works as a nurse in Mexico and earns quite well, about $ 800 monthly, she had the luxury of being able to spend her money on her favorite video games, avakin life and free fire, she has a video game console "an Xbox one" but she barely had a crash game, here I said, if she has a console and money why does she play free fire daily and spend her money on it? It's a matter of mentality and tastes, but let's think a little, an Xbox one is something more exclusive than a cell phone, and I'm not referring to the price, but to status, it's not the same to say that you play on a cell phone as to say that you play on a computer or console, it's like differentiating social classes, therefore a console is more attractive to a true video game connoisseur, or average connoisseur, another thing: is that in Latin America children are not raised in the conditions of developing mentalities that allow you to think that a console or computer will always be more attractive to play than on a cell phone, maybe it is mental poverty? I don't know, there I left something unfinished.


Another reason why this happens is social relationships, since many people in a close social group frequent the same "most" therefore you will also want to do it, this in order to get along with your acquaintances and be on the same wavelength as them. This is something completely natural, in fact, it is something psychological and it is part of our human nature, let's give an example: Carlitos does not have an iPhone and neither a console, Carlitos has a good Samsung Galaxy but not enough to play genshin impact at least, Carlitos knows free fire and invites his friends of the same social status as him to play it, seeing that everyone has the opportunity to get entertainment at the palm of their hand, and without having to spend on a computer, everyone starts to frequent it, one of these friends of Carlitos has a PS4 with many games and is of good status, but seeing that all his friends together with Carlitos are playing free fire, this one, due to human nature of not feeling apart, also plays it, do you understand me?

Now the part that affects people: as I said at the beginning, this game has mentally affected these people, including me, I have also been a participant in these conditions Psychological. I will give you a couple of cases that perhaps many have noticed in their own acquaintances or relatives, or yourselves "if you have played it." The first behaviors to notice in this game is that it is an addiction, since it is so accessible and easy to play, understand and everything, it is easy to become addicted "something like marijuana" only in the form of a video game, first one begins to frequent the game, in case of many they begin to be "rude" it is as if their mentality changed and vulgarities began to come out by inertia, either because of losing, or because someone does not do things as you would like. Competitiveness is another disorder that generates this, although it is a low class game "because let's be honest" it is a low class game, many people begin to be competitive with each other despite the fact that many are "equal" in terms of social standards, something that I find very unpleasant by the way, it is like when the donkey talks about ears.


It takes away your ability to think and it calms you down, a lot of people feel inferior in this game when they don't have inda clothes or why they don't reload, and not only that, toxicity became common, if someone comes who reloads a little they may already have these free fire mentalities attached to themselves and begin to humiliate why the other does not have good clothes like them, what happens in certain cases is that these children or boys who have expensive things in the game are actually no one too, "not all" just that many have their Latin American salary and spend it on free fire, and here is the first case for which I realized that this is a disease, "my cousin" my cousin had this irregularity in his mind, he had a deplorable salary and he spent a lot of it on free fire "something unconscious on his part" once his avatar began to look better, his ego increased and from time to time he humiliated one or another out there, and hahaha, believe me that just as he was, so were and are many. Many of these kids even live in decadent conditions but spend their money on this instead of taking advantage of it on things that are really more important, for example, there are many memes saying: kids who have expensive things in free fire but outside the game they live in poor houses, memes are memes but memes despite being funny have a truth behind them, after all memes are the reflection of reality in the form of a joke, we find the funny in misfortunes through an image that makes us laugh, hence the saying, laugh so as not to cry hahaha.

My nephew, despite knowing free fire a little late, also has a bit of an obsession with this game, he even plays until dawn with his friends, this is somewhat unhealthy, he has the same behaviors as my cousin when he played, toxic, rude, he started to be vulgar, he gets upset about losing, he yells, etc., this makes me understand that despite being a game that has been around for years, it has not lost its essence, "of course" the game is not to blame, but rather whoever consumes it. Imagine that all the money these kids who spend on free fire were spent on a PC or console, it would be crazy, there are literally kids who spend too much money on this game, in my opinion it is a waste. In conclusion, free fire is the favorite game for people in Latin America due to the lack of culture regarding better games or better technology, what do you think?

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