F in chat apex mobile closes its servers... dont mind me while i proceed to cry


ugh... ok this is going to sound really gay, but the game will close its servers and I have every right to be super sad about it :C

I met the game in 2022, by then I hadn't played the pc game or any other pc game because my pc just couldn't run it.

So apex mobile for me was love at first shot,

the mechanics and characters seemed unique and interesting, not to mention how therapeutic it was to play it when I was under a lot of stress.

ugh... ok esto va a sonar muy gay, pero el juegoi cerrara sus servidores y tengo todo el derecho de estar super triste por ello :C

Conoci el juego en 2022,no recuerdo exactamente la fecha, para entonces no habia jugado el juego para pc ni ningun otro juego para pc porque simplemente mi pc o podia correrlo.

Asi que apex mobile para mi fue amor a primer disparo, la mecanica y los personajes me parecian unicos e interesantes, sin mencionar lo terapeutico que fue jugar esto cuando estaba bajo mucho estres.

As a mobile user i can tell you that there has been nothing more comfortable than playing this game... mainly because of the comfort, since i could be lying down playing with friends or anywhere else.

I met many people from all over the world, and made genuine friendships with this game,

I got off camera a super epic skin on my first try C: the loba's skin of afrodita.

Of course that never happened again LOL
the skins in the game were getting better and better.
Apex won the best videogame award on google play last year....
it had an absurd amount of players, the way to play was unique, fresh and comfortable... i learned to play in fpp and became addicted to that mode.


However none of this was enough...and the game just decided to leave the play store?
Honestly at this point I would rather it was just a bad joke.

I will keep playing until they close for good and I will record the most absurd bugs you can imagine because yes... since they made the announcement the game is super broken.

the good side is: i already have a machine to play the game on pc.
the bad side: wtf playing on pc is fucking difficult
still confuses shift ctrl and tab.

Sin embargo nada de esto fue suficiente...y el juego simplemente decide salir de la play store?
Honestamente a este punto preferiría que solo fuera una broma de mal gusto.

seguire jugando hasta que cierren definitivamente y grabare los bugs mas absurdos que se puedan imagiar porque si.. desde que hicieron el anuncio el juego esta super roto.

el lado bueno es: ya tengo maquina para jugar el juego de pc
el lado malo: wtf jugar en pc es jodidamente dificil 
**aun confunde shift ctrl y tab**


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