Protect the keep from attack! Then attempt Cragholdt Bluffs once more

Protecting the keep from attacks and can the party attempt Cragholdt Bluffs this time

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The party reached Caed Nua and found the attack just starting with mercenaries and bandits, many of them being dangerous in a group, especially the mages.

A number of them got taken out rather quickly with help from the trusty fireball but their mages got some nice damage to almost take out TheGoliath, but the other mercenaries knocked out the Grieving Mother before the rest could quickly take their last bit of health.

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"We have to be careful now we are in Cragholdt Bluffs, last time was so bad but let us see what we can do this time, even if we clear the first few men and come back after dealing with another attack on Caed Nua" announced Pallegina to the others.

Even this first fight was tough due to the mercenary berserker doing a lot of damage while being vulnerable to death for a short time, which meant taking control of the soldier with puppet strings would help take out a little of that time, but it was a long fight and resulted in TheGoliath and the Grieving Mother being knocked unconscious while the other attacked and finished the soldier and berserker off.

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The party headed back to defend against yet another attack and will come back to see how bad the next part of Cragholdt Bluffs is.

Meanwhile at Caed Nua, a bunch of bandits were attacking the hirelings protecting the keep which the bandits were met by the boiling spray from Hiravias, followed by pull of eora by TheGoliath to suck a whole group in together ready for the hail storm of Hiravias and seeing maximum damage done in such a short time!

"Well done everyone, damn these attacks and how frequent they are but hopefully they can ease up for a bit now because if we go back to Cragholdt and cannot do it, the Endless Paths await for further exploration" claimed TheGoliath as they cleaned up before heading back.

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It was not a pretty sight first up as they were trying to clear more of Cragholdt Bluffs because of how strong this next group were, but also there were numerous enemies.

"Get them men and kill these fools interfering with our business here!" shouted one of the Torn Bannermen in charge of this expedition they were on to siege the area.

The fighting was underway and one enemy got controlled to help the party while pull of eora and overwhelming wave were cast to combo damage some of the other enemies... of course only doing some damage and before the Torn Bannermen overwhelmed everyone in a flurry of attacks, not stopping as they relentlessly destroyed TheGoliath and the party for an easy victory.

"It looks like... they are too strong for us TheGoliath..." said Eder before going down.

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After multiple more attempts at the fight from different angles or strategies and failing each time it was back to Caed Nua to deal with a guest that had arrived...

Lord Byrnwigar was a reputable man that had been dubbed as a cruel man, so caution was warned by the keeps steward.

"Lord TheGoliath, I am in need of your assistance as the peasants of my land refuse to work and threaten my guards, claiming unfair treatment of them" claimed Lord Byrnwigar.

TheGoliath asked him to step away for a moment to talk to the others "Aloth, I need you to travel and warn the people of Brynwigar's keep"

Aloth quickly departs to get a head start in warning the people of that land before TheGoliath asks Lord Brynwigar to return. "I don't approve of your brutal tactics but this one occasion I can turn a blind eye, leave now though" announced TheGoliath.

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This was part #26 for my Pillars of Eternity series.
Stay tuned for part #27 and see what happens next and what TheGoliath will get up to.

You can find part #25 here

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