Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part five

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All the boss fights, well some fights

It was time to face off against the Penking boss once more with Chillet at his side, no way was 477 going to lose this time!

Well high spirits can easily be crushed like him and his Chillet, knocked down and killed with another failed attempt. It looks like a few more levels at least will be required for beating this tough son of a mega boss to have hatched it.

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Some time passes and some days of training hard while working on the base and getting strong!

A stupid mistake followed due to curiosity if the open space allowed better movement and ability to face a boss and with a now level 17 Chillet, the Kingpaca got frozen and took some small damage before jumping in the air to slam on Chillet.

Dinossom was brought out to continue a lost fight where the Kingpaca through a big power bomb at our experiment which ended his live.

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Some of the advantages to exploring new areas and looking closely is finding dungeon entrances for you to clear out if you can find your way through. This was a level 13 boss dungeon and one of the first he would explore.

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Throughout the rooms of this dungeon were many Syndicate thugs of lower levels so it was light work for Dinossom to take them out, he even managed to catch more of them in order to sell at the Pal merchant and gain some valuable gold!

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It was slow moving about all the areas in here, Chillet was taken out for riding throughout and quickly disposing of enemies, including catching a Mau for the first time.

Time passed with some back and forth between rooms some of which held chests, holding few items and nothing special.

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Finally after some time spent exploring this damn place it was boss time!
This would be a simple fight as it was a boss Melpaca with some weak Melpaca's but it's still a completed dungeon, a new feat in the glory being seeked out by this future Palkemon Master!

After getting it so close to death, 477 threw a mega sphere for an easy catch and rounded out this dungeon, with claiming the chest loot including a pendant and two Ruby's which would be nice to sell off.

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Next time he was heading out would be a lot more enjoyable and different to say the least with the Nitewing saddle create and equipped for the one in his party, now it was a lot easier to avoid attacks while having a solid mount to fly around on and get to higher places with ease.

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This was the time he would be victorious.. time for Rayne Syndicate Tower once more to defeat Zoe & Grizzbolt and this time he was a much higher level along with having a flying amount.

Firing off the damaging moves was quick but effective slowly, but one was a gust attack which was followed by a charge which could allow 477 to pass them as they got close, to get to safety and avoid the damage.

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To give his Nitewing a rest after it took a bit of damage, the Dinossom was changed to the active Pal to do some damage before the Chillet came out for some fun and more damage.

It was a fierce fight and still tough to work that massive health pool down and down it got, to halfway prompting a switch back out to Nitewing again.

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As the fight grew closer to an end with Nitewing doing a lot of damage in working it down low, the back and forth eventually had to come to an end!

Victory in the first boss tower was achieved in style with also hitting level 20 and gaining 5 ancient technology points for the special unlocks you can get.

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To wind down after such a long and challenging day of excitement and defeating the first boss, 477 crafts the crossbow for better damage and output before standing around before bed, while his Pals do the same and chill in the background but keep working until bedtime.

This was Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part five.

Stay tuned for more adventures and to watch how 477 deals with becoming the beast of a Pal master over time!

You can find Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part four here

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