Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part thirty nine

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Take out the super mutants

After a nice nap to prepare for the soon to be tough fight again with the super mutants, Arghrash got back into the power armour after drinking some water, checking his supplies and then moving to a safe but shooting distance with the sniper rifle.

A mongrel dog was the first thing to be killed off with the sniper rifle which wasn't there the last time. It was a quick and easy disposal so it would be one less enemy to worry about that might come up and attack.

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After that mongrel dog it was time to focus on the super mutants high up in the radar dish and also, the stairs leading up to any areas setup for their base.

"Luckily for me they are a good distance away and the missiles shouldn't get close to me" Arghrash said to himself before moving his aim over and taking another shot to continue weakening the super mutants.

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Once some more shots has been fired a noise was heard.. the legendary hound and a couple of super mutants, had made their way down again and after weakening the hound quite a bit, for it to then mutate, it got in a lot of good hits to ensure another victory over Arghrash.

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This next time trying was going to be a much better run at these super mutants. A legendary suicider had come down without being sure of Arghrash's location which was fine.. that mini nuke being held was a great opportunity to take out this tough enemy, making sure a good shot on it would explode the mini nuke and then this legendary suicider could not handle living through the damage.

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"Good thing the rest have stayed back among their base so I can focus on taking lots of pot shots at them to weaken them down" he thought as he started sniping the super mutants.

They started to move about a little bit to force Arghrash to change tactics, but besides a mutant hound coming he was able to work on weakening them all down a good amount. A short nap was required after taking shots and this meant he could plan things more safely by not worrying so much about the whole lot of enemies waiting for him.

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Without a clue of how much damage has been done to the other super mutants, it was time Arghrash was running in to get nice and close and ensure the others could be taken out. First was the melee one running toward him, the explosive pistol did some nice damage on top of a partly weakened super mutant from the sniper rounds.

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Once the melee super mutants rushing him were gunned down amidst the bullets being shot at him that were partly hurting Arghrash, he kept rushing in so he was nice and close and ready.

"Time for you mutants to die and be gone from this area" Arghrash said as the shells were released from the combat shotgun to start taking them down.

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A stealth boy was used to help get in further while being shot at less, this was after taking a heap of damage.

But it made it easier to dispose of more super mutants that weren't very strong but still required multiple shots from the combat shotgun.

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Higher up in the radar dish a little away was a super mutant butcher which was a legendary enemy. Last shots were fired to drastically reduce its health and with a repeated barrage, eventually this one was going down without a death on Arghrash. Now all that was left was one or two more mutants and this area was clear.

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A short time later and multiple laser shots later, the area was completely cleared out which opened up looting the area.

The distress pulser was found along with Scribe Faris plus a good amount of ammo, caps, explosives and some medical supplies.

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After listening to the tape from the scribe and finding out the location of a bunker that should be checked out, he got back to the looting and thought about what to do next. A nap was needed as this was a big fight.

"This place has a lot of loot and not the crap stuff either. At least I am stocked up a bit further now so let me go check the Butcher's body" he thought as he went to have a look.

It was a quad barrel missile launcher, something that could hold 4 missiles loaded at once.. that will make things interesting for any enemies that got in his way!

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This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part thirty nine. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.

You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part thirty eight here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Fallout 4 on survival mode.

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