The Witcher 3 Saga: Dealing With The Black Ones

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

In the last episode of The Witcher 3 Saga I made some very good progress. I managed to uncover a great deal of where and what both Ciri and Dandelion were doing and where there trail has led. This came at a benefit though because while I was busy uncovering their trail it also managed to lead me to Whoreson Junior. A shady character who I've been after for quite some time now and it wasn't all that easy to find him.

One clue led to the next and so on it went, I searched most of his establishments only to find him already escaped. That was until Radovid gave up his true location and the problem was that his location was revealed by someone far more powerfull there for his little birds didn't sing about that song!

I found Whoreson hiding out in a villa in Oxenfurt hiding in plain sight between all the scholars! Finding him proved to be an easy task and throwing him out for the wolves was even easier. I decided not to sully my blade with his blood, instead whatever remains of the Big Four will have a blast cutting away at him!

I'm Afraid They'll Never Learn!

Now there's a few things I left cooking on the back burner because I had more important quests to unveil but now that I've got some time on my hands I decided to get them all done and dusted with. One of those being to collect my reward from the King of Beggars for freeing Rico.

Remember Rico? That Doppler we rescued out from one of Junior Whoreson's casino's. We surely cut up a few of his men badly that night.

Well on my way to claim my reward I was rudely interrupted in my peacefull strolling through the town. Oh you'd never guess who has it out for me, a few weeks ago a publicly bashed a priest of the eternal fire and by the looks of it he wasn't too happy with that. He hired two Witch Hunters to come and deal with me, how shamefull of him!

I wonder what the public will say when they hear of this!

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Hmmmm Not Much Faith In The Faith.

It would seem that these good for nothing Witch Hunters can't even take me on sword to fist! They claimed to keep my weapons safe while they escort me but as soon as I handed the cold steel to them things changed up a little bit.

They drew their swords and I raised my fists!

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Sadly They've Underestimated Me!

If I man that has a past just hands you his blades won't you suspect something to be terribly wrong?

I am sure I would!

Their mistake was thinking that I only wielded steel when in fact I can wield powers far greater than they could ever begin to comprehend!

I'm sure they'll feel it now! Nothing as bad as being cooked alive in the very thing that is supposed to protect you!

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The Infamous King Of Beggars!

Meeting up with the King of Beggars he did have a lot to say, I myself am not fond of the man since I hardly know him at all and he looks like he can be a bit shady but a friend of a friend is no enemy of mine!

I informed him about the rescue I made on Rico's life but he has heard of this tale, although he didn't sound very optimistic about the reward he had to hand over but business is business right!

I think I might have had enough of this town! It's time I get going out onto the open road! I remember Vernon Roche still having something to discuss with me so I set a new course.

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Vernon Roche A Man Of Honour.

There I was finding myself in the thickest of the unwandered forests. It's in these dark thick and less travelled woods where the rebels fight to save what they believe in. It's in these forests where the most honourable man I know is planning a war from.

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It's Been Years And I'd Have Thought The Man Dead!

I suppose Iron doesn't corrode that fast!

The last time we saw each other he spoke of something that he might have needed a lot of help with, it sounded serious and almost like it was something that bothered him greatly so there I was in his cavernous hideout discussing mutiny from one of his commanders.

To be honest I saw this coming even before it happened, there's a look in a man's face when he is planning on defying orders. It's as clear as daylight whether it be man or woman the looks stays the same.

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The Hanged Man's Tree.

A eerie and dark place indeed, The Hanged Man's Tree. You can think for yourself how many souls have perished by noose on this tree that they have to name it as such!

It would seem that Vernon Roche never travels with company because I always have to meet up with him in certain locations. Perhaps he doesn't want people setting up traps to catch him and who could blame him, he is after all one of the most wanted men.

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The Little Town Of Mulbrydale.

In all honesty if I was placed in that situation I would have likely done exactly the same, no more and no less.

Evil is evil, whether it is lesser or greater it remains evil and I have taken a vow to eradicate all that is evil.

The Black Ones meaning the Nilfgaardians have taken control of the town of Mulbrydale and they are planning to execute every fifth villager until one of them spills the beans on none other than Vernon Roche. See the problem with this is that all these are innocent civilians being put up to the sword.

As soon as one spills the beans they will likely kill every last peasant in that town!

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While we were still discussing on how Ves would likely proceed with this attack the black ones have already attacked the village and both the black ones, the villagers and the rebels Ves took with her were all locked in sword fights.

There was little else to do other than join in on the fight!

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Oh It's The Clustering That Gets Me!

Now if there is truely one thing I admire about these soldiers fighting with honour and discipline it would be how they are trained to huddle up tightly against his brother! Yes yes do this!

Cluster up for Geralt's flames!

The Igni cast can be a real morale murderer and especially so in situations like these, the battle has barely started and I've set more than half of the Nilfgaardians aflame! Perhaps now they can really be bathed in the light of the eternal fire!

It is after all what they desire!

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The Hardest To Kill Was The Nilfgaardian.

Naturally this would need to go without saying. Now the Nilfgaardians are true believers of that the high ranking officers should be able to defend their places. That is why they are the officers indeed, no one wants to listen to a man when he can't enforce his orders.

This was one tough bastard to kill no doubt! By the end of it all he was the one that had a will to fight on.

He was coughing up blood badly trying to beg for mercy and he would have gotten it if I weren't there. See the problem wasn't the Nilfgaardian the problem was being seen with Vernon Roche and I was still doing business actively with Emhyr Von Emhris so this man unfortunately had to die!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!


Dated 20/08/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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