Teeth Cut

I was pretty happy with this "toothy" image and it will likely come up again - perhaps a better version using a proper macro lens. For those who don't follow, I like to use teeth for my Splinterlands posts, but this is not a Splinterlands post per se, but more in the general sense of investment processes - the teeth are to visualize my personal market sentiment, where I might be grinding them in my sleep, trying to work out whether the market is going to go up or down.


It is anyone's guess, but at the moment, the crypto markets are going up, but it is anyone's guess as to what truly causes it. I do think however that there is some general positive sentiment surrounding the uncertainty in Ukraine, as it seems that even in the news, it is getting less coverage than you'd expect from the threat of WWIII - it seems that it isn't getting enough global clicks, so it is being relegated in the lineup a little.

It is always nice to see some momentary green in the markets to remind that yes, sometimes they do go up, and to feel like gains are being made. What I like about this is that it highlights the impact of buying those dips and even with small amounts, it adds up.

I was explaining to someone the other day who asked what I will do through the bear market, that my goal is to consistently be able to use resources to stack tokens. For example, even if my crypto investments dropped 10 dollars a day, that is 300 dollars a month that I would be able to sink into a bear-market token, which means come bull market, it can go 5, 10, 20 or 50 times. At 10x, it was a 3000 dollar month, at 50 times, it was a 15,000 dollar month. Two years of consistently doing that through the bear and two more years to the top of the bull, and that is a house paid in full, or a couple rental properties - with a little lot of luck.

That would be a decent result in 4 years from today, wouldn't it?

I think that finally I am in a position where I am earning enough from my job that I would be able to consistently invest fiat in fortnightly on a schedule during a bear - but for now, I am not confident that this is the bear yet, so I will wait before starting programmatic buys. For now, I will just do it as I do, randomly here and there.

But, when it comes to crypto resources, everything stays in and while I am not a maximizer, I do try and put some of it to work. This means that trickles here and there are buying the highs and the lows, or stacking tokens, like my investments into Splinterlands are slowly absorbing some of the SPS emissions and sinking them back into the game.

Obviously at some point, I am expecting that most of this is going to be significant to my life and that of my family's, but for now, it is all just a bit of fun, much like a game. It is the best game on the internet in my opinion though, as there is real skin in this game and the potential outcomes aren't for bragging rights of a top score, they are for a completely changed quality of life. A lot of people deserve better from this world and I think that we have to take it upon ourselves to cultivate an environment to enable it, rather than hoping others will provide for us. Nothing in this world is free, including love, which is likely among the most resource intensive of all systems.

So, while I might be grinding my teeth trying to work out what is the best path forward, I am also sinking my teeth into all kinds of things too, in the hope that one day, that payoff will arrive - but I don't see any end to this game, other than the natural one we all face sooner or later. I hope at least there is some payoff before that arrives though.

It has been over five years now and each day I wake up and feel, like I am still in the teeth cutting phase and that I will never know enough, to say, I know enough. I know that some people get confident based on their outcomes, but I am still trying to work out what is a suitable process - like a noob.

Back to the game.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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