Tekken 7 : Finally making it to the Major Leagues as Kazuya!


I welcome you all to my first post of the year 2023; starting on the right foot in terms of my progress as the best Kazuya of Tekken 7.

Finally, I think I can assure you of some very good Replays with plays and combos worth appreciating visually; With opponents of a good level and matches that are not easy at all, I can feel the fire in my hands and the confidence right at the beginning of the match, like a victorious air in which I immediately know that I will win; I'm pretty sure it's the fruits of practicing over and over again, hour after hour until you make significant progress and keep going.

  • Promote to Marauder:

This time I bring you Nina's Match, which, although having a particular advantage over me, erased her desire to continue fighting against me, attacking each of her movements over and over again, exerting constant pressure until taking advantage of her mistake.

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Let's say that I had to put on something serious since it was my promotion match, but I was able to realize an error in his defense, he had no offensive strategy; In a few simple words, I only attacked attack without breaking my defense, realizing this in the first round I immediately knew that victory was going to be mine, so I took away all the desire to win by suffocating her with complete and painful combos.

Succulent way to win the typical promotion of Uncle Syde.


  • Replays: Kunimitsu.

It looked like an ordinary game; until I let my guard down a bit and Kunimitsu punished me with perfect execution of combos; I immediately knew that they were a good player and that it was not going to be an easy match; Well, it's not the first time I've faced her, but I suffer a lot against players who know how to use Kunimitsu very well, that's why this match was very important to me because it was going to be the test of my progress and not let myself be intimidated anymore. by the unpredictable Kunimitsu players, so with a good low hit punishment and some well-executed WEGF to keep the distance until getting the Perfect.

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I have to admit that it was one of my most pleasant perfects.


  • Finally the promotion to FIGHTER: Lars.

An authentic heart attack match, it was my first FIGHTER promotion and I didn't want to lose it for anything, I had all the odds against it, I had connection problems, Lars was good so I couldn't abuse my combos usual I do, Lars had studied me very well and was applying a good defense, so I tried different and random combos and moves to confuse him, I couldn't afford to be so predictable and it paid off.

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We both thought the same thing; We activated our bluestuff at the same time but this time he was better than mine, he was able to define the round, but I defined the game.

Uncle Syde is so cool that he gives credit to his opponents too

  • What is your favorite match?

  • Have you already completed your first goal of the year 2023?

  • Thanks for bringing this to the end of the post!





Les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi primer post del año 2023; empezando con el mejor pie en cuanto a mi progreso como el mejor Kazuya de Tekken 7.

Finalmente creo que puedo asegurarles unas muy buenas Replays con jugadas y combos dignas de apreciar visualmente; con contrincantes de buen nivel y matches para nada faciles, puedo sentir el fuego en mis manos y la confianza justo al comenzar el match, como un aire victorioso en el cual inmediamante se que ganare; estoy bastante seguro que son los frutos de practicar una y otraz vez, horas tras horas hasta tener un progreso significativo y continuar.

En esta oportunidad les traigo el Match de Nina, que aunque tener cierta ventaja sobre mi,le borre las ganas de seguir luchando contra mi, contra atacando una y otra vez a cada uno de sus movimientos ejerciendo una presion constante hasta aprovecharme de sus errores.

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  • Promocion a Marauder:

Digamos que tuve que ponerme algo serio ya que era mi match de promocion, pero pude darme cuenta de un error en su defensiva, no tenia ninguna estrategia de ofensiva; en pocas y sencillas palabras solo realizaba ataque tras ataque sin romper mi estrategia defensiva, dandome cuenta de esto en la primera ronda supe inmediatamente que la victoria iba a ser mia, asi que le quite todos los animos de ganar asfixiandola con combos completos y dolorosos.

Suculenta manera de ganar la promocion tipico de Uncle Syde.


  • Replays : Kunimitsu.

Parecia una partida comun y corriente; hasta que baje un poco mi guardia y Kunimitsu me castigo con una muy buena ejecucion de combos; inmediatamente supe que era un buen jugador y que no iba a ser un match facil; pues no es la primera vez que la enfrento pero si sufro muchisimo contra jugadores que saben usar muy bien a Kunimitsu, por eso es que este match era muy importante para mi, pues iba a ser la prueba de mi progreso y no dejarme intimidar mas por los impredecibles Kunimitsu players, asi que applique un buen castigo de low hit y con algunos WEGF bien ejecutados para mantener la distancia hasta conseguir el Perfect.

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Tengo que admitir que fue unos de mis perfects mas placenteros.


  • Finalmente la promocion a FIGTHER: Lars.

Un autentico match de infarto, era mi primera promocion de FIGHTER y no la queria perder por nada, tenia todos los pronosticos en contra, tenia problemas de coneccion, el Lars era bueno asi que no podia abusar de mis combos como usualmente hago, Lars me habia estudiado muy bien y estaba aplicando una buena defensiva, asi que intente combos y moviminetos diferentes y aleatorios para confundirlo, no podia permitirme ser tan predecible y asi dio sus frutos.

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Los dos pensamos lo mismo; activamos nuestro bluestuff al mismo tiempo pero esta vez el suyo fue mejor que el mio, pudo definir la ronda, pero yo defini la partida.

Uncle Syde es tan buena onda que le da credito a sus contricantes tambien

  • ¿Cual es tu match favorito?

  • ¿Ya completaste tu primera meta del año 2023?

  • Gracias por llevar al final del post y hasta la proxima!


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