F1 Delta Time - Racing Events and other updates

Here we go again! Another week of racing and amazing rewards! But let's start first with how the previous week went!

Last week I finished as previous ones 3x 2nd and 4th in the highest tier, bagging up 12 rare keys and 8 commons, three 2nd place trophies and 16,000 REVV (0.82ETH as I write this post) Apart from this in Time Trials I finished 3rd in tier B and 4th in Tier C so I am expecting about 500 REVV from this competition as well (where I paid about 100) for 10 additional attempts 7 days for tier C and 3 additional one to improve the lap times.
Official twitter announcement
That's a short review from the last week, and lets go the news!


As I mentioned before keys have started popping out and people are already showing their awesome pulls! However I still can't justify key opening during the high gas season - It costs between $30 - $100 to open up one key (regardless of rarity) especially since racing in new season hasn't started yet. However F1DT team is aware of the problem and is working hardly to find a solution and workaround, and just 5 days after the key opening started and high gas problem was raised - new partnership was announced!

Animoca Brands and Binance Smart Chain announced a strategic partnership wherein Animoca Brands will expand its innovative tokenization of gaming assets by using Binance Smart Chain as the preferred blockchain infrastructure for selected blockchain projects.




Apart from regular, weekly, time trials and GP races from time to time we have these special events, Elite Time Trials and well Special GP races. With somewhat different awards, and more often than not these events rewards are not REVV but rather in some other cryptocurrencies, keys or both REVV + some other currency. You get the point - rewards are great and depending on what the event is representing rewards would be different.

This special GP will last 2 weeks, and rewards are ... almost unimaginable great. See for yourself, this is the image from the official f1 deltatime website.


What differs in this event is that instead of top 3 getting trophies and keys and top 10 getting liquid REVV. This time top 10 will get keys while top 3 will share 20,000 DAI, and trophies!
These 20,000 DAI are split into 16 categories, but overall:
Tier A (car points: 16,000+) = 12,000 DAI
Tier B (car points: 10k-16k) = 6,000 DAI
Tier C (car points: 6k-10k) = 1,200 DAI
Tier D (car points: 0-6k)= 600 DAI

  • 200 Evenly distributed to winners.

Winners are determined at the and of 2 weeks period, however in order for people to race and compete, there must be some incentive in the form of lucrative rewards. Half way through the even, snapshot of lap times is taken and all rewards are sent after the event.


If you want to see more details how rewards are split head over to medium F1 deltatime post.

That should be all for this week!
Season 2020 is just about to begin and will have separate events from season 2019. NFTs from from one season can't be used in the other ones.

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