[Straw Plays] Visage - Final Part (I Hate You Lucy)

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It's time to put this gamer behind us. It's been a crazy ride through all three chapters and I am actually happy about the order we played them in because we went from scary to scariest. Yeah, you read that correctly. This last one was insane.

Lucy's chapter wasn't only the most difficult one to begin but it was also insane in every other way. I hate small children in horror games and movies and this wasn't any different. Lucy is a messed up kid who made Rakan and Dolores look like comedians.

I enjoyed this game so much and it's easily in my top 3 horror games. It's not easy and you have to spend a lot of time just looking around hoping for the next clue to turn up. That's what makes it so amazing though because while you're doing that, scary things are happening all around you while your sanity drops down.

It's definitely time for a break from horror now though so let's see what's next on my to-play list. Hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did and see you at the next one!


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