[Straw Plays] Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Part Three (Snowy Scotland)


We are getting closer to the treasure and today we make our way through a graveyard in snowy Scotland. Things are looking up for our boys and it seems we are finding clue after clue. Being one step ahead of the competition (Rafe and Nadine), we slowly make our way through the places they still haven't checked.


The climbing was on another level in this episode and so was the combat to be fair. Got to try out a ton of new weapons today and it was awesome. My favorite was probably the revolver and if my aim didn't suck so much, I probably would have liked the AK some more too.


We found another clue that will take us to a new place next time. It wasn't easy to get it though and everything from the enemies to weird ancient puzzles tried to stop us. It's gonna be a bumpy ride from here on out I think. Excited about this new place we're gonna be exploring next time though so see y'all then!

As I said before, I'll be playing this on the weekdays and for the weekend I have something else planned. Gonna be interesting to see how that goes as well. One thing is for sure though, I am super excited about the gaming lately. Peace!


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