[Straw Plays] Resident Evil 2 - Part Three (Finally Getting Out)

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Hello and welcome back to the next part of my Resident Evil 2 Let's Play. We are going to be going through the rest of the police station today trying to find the last piece we need for the statue puzzle. The station itself turned out to be huge and also I was kinda terrible at finding the right way which made everything feel like it took forever. In the end though everything today went well and we even got a nice new weapon. The game is getting better and better the whole time and although I still feel rusty(mostly my aim) it's a lot of fun to be playing games again and recording these videos. I guess I didn't realize how much I missed it. There are so many amazing games coming out soon that I am so excited about and I can't wait to play them all and record Let's Plays for all of them. Anyway, I am getting ahead of myself back to today's video. I am still playing around with some settings and fine-tuning but so far I feel like this new way of playing only one game at a time is kinda working. We'll get through this game in no time! See you in the next one!

If you are one of the few people worldwide that hasn't started watching yet or you want to rewatch this amazing Let's Play series from the start, then these links are for you:
Part One - Welcome to Raccoon City
Part Two - Never Ending Police Station

I hope you like the video and let me know in the comments what you think!

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