[Straw Plays] Ready or Not - One Year Later


Today I decided to do the same thing I always do when I get back from a prolonged break from gaming. I go back and test games that were in Early Access to see if and how they have developed during my absence. Sometimes I find that the development has ended and that is pretty sad but sometimes you actually see that the game is still going and there are regular updates being released. With this game, it seems to be the latter. They have added a lot of new maps and gear to the game and it still looks amazing. They really managed to make everything look very realistic in this game and I like how intense the firefights can get. I will probably not play this game too much more since I don't really have any friends who play it and it's not really as fun to play alone but it was nice to see the game how it is today. I hope you enjoy the let's play. Next time I will have a more popular game that @therealflaws might be excited about. See ya all then!

I hope you like the video and please let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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