[Straw Plays] Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - Part One


Hello and welcome to yet another Let's Play series. As I mentioned in my previous post I have been actively looking for new games to play and at first, I didn't really find any. After looking some more on Steam though and lowering my expectations a little bit I ended up stumbling on some pretty cool ones. The games are a little bit older but they have great reviews and are a lot of fun so far. The first one is Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. I have heard about this game before and I remember wanting to try it out after I first watched the video Laddergoat as I am fairly certain that clip is from this game or at least this series of games. So far the gameplay is really fun and it kind of reminds me of Bulletstorm in terms of combat. I also really like that the game is based on this guy's stories so the combat is a bit over the top but still really satisfying to drop those headshots. We'll continue next time from here. See you then!

I hope you like the video and please let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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