💥 🔥 Optimizing Armor in the Armored Up Ruleset 🔥 💥



Hello, everyone! It's time for another Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge from Splinterlands. In this post, we will discuss the 'Armored Up' ruleset, where all units get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game. For this battle challenge, I will share a Silver League Modern Format battle. Let's take a closer look at which card I used to win in this kind of ruleset and how it helped my team win the battle.

All units get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game.
Use Void Armor to ensure that magic attacks strike armor first.
Use Shatter or Piercing to destroy your opponent's armor more effectively.


Battle Configuration

For this battle, there is a specific ruleset and a mana cap to consider:

Ruleset: Armored Up

Explanation: This means that all units get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game.
Mana Cap: 30
Active Elements: Fire, Water, Life, Death, and Dragon

Additional Ruleset : Healed Out - All healing abilities are removed from Monsters and Summoners.

My Lineup:

Summoner: Kelya Frendul

  • It provides additional armor to allied monsters as well as +1 Speed buff.

First Position: Thanalorian Scion

  • I chose this in the first position for its Corrosive Ward and Void Armor abilities. This card has a very thick armor and suited for this ruleset.

Second Position: Baakjira

  • I chose this in the second position to act as my second tank. It has no attack but will inherit 2 magic attack from Daarg Deadblast Weapons Training. It also has the Slow ability to debuff the enemy speed.

Third Position: Daarg Deadblast

  • I chose this card because of its Weapons Training ability. It will provide 2 magic attacks to Baakjira and Scavo Hireling.

Fourth Position: Scavo Hireling

  • I chose this card because of its Repair ability. It will also inherit 2 magic attacks from Daarg Deadblast.

Fifth Position: Sultry Barmaid

  • I chose this card mainly because of its Stun ability. It also has high speed to ensure that Stun will be applied to enemy monster before it even started attacking.

Sixth Position: Torrent Fiend

  • I chose this card as a filler card and also can tank damage from the back.

Strategy: The lineup will emphasize on Armor and Speed. Thanalorian Scion, with its Void Armor, can withstand Magic Attacks. It will be supported by Scavo Hireling, providing repairs and simultaneously dealing damage to enemy armor if it receives melee damage.


Let's Rumble


The battle started with my Sultry Barmaid using its Ambush ability.


My Sultry Barmaid stunned the enemy Diemonshark and by the end of round 1, Diemonshark's HP was reduced to only 2 and Thanalorian Scion still has armor on it.


By the end of Round 2, my Thanalorian Scion and enemy Diemonshark where both defeated. My Baakjira served as the tank with its huge HP. Scavo Hireling was still in the battle field and can still repair Baakjira's armor.


By the end of Round 3, enemy Coastal Sentry and Torrent Fiend were defeated by my line up's massive magic attack.


Since I still have my tank, attacker and support monsters, I was able to won this battle.


You can check the full battle replay here - Battle Replay from Splinterlands.



That's it, and thanks for reading. If you are interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!
*Images used are from Splinterlands.

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