My dCrops Journey continues (Season 3)

In the last Post i was fully aware of the potential of Dcrops so i started to lean in heavily. I completed my first Quest that had 10 Items. I noticed that for every 15000 Crop tokes you have, they add another quest reward to your possibility. I went onto Hive Engine and purchased my 20K crops so i could be amongst the reward pool. looking forward to seeing that, but my Average crop value is calculated over 15 days so as a result i'm slowly building my average up, and should be rewards eligible by the next season which is #SPRING.

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Here you can see how the holdings rewards are calculated and get an idea of the top crop power brokers and their total holding. I haven't quite cracked the top 10, but I am taking note and i expect that one day i may just do that. Now is the prefect time while Hive and Crops are still affordable. In the next drop i should see my portion of my reward based on my ranking. Right now everyone is splitting 125 hive amongst over 300 people who qualify.

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You can get a much better picture of where i stand with this snapshot here it shows that i have cracked into the top 240 positions. LOL. I always try to word things in a way that shows me on the way up, so theres positive thinking for you. I'm looking forward to growing my standing by producing more high quality produce, selling my share of crops, and earning more crop rewards from it. I expect to crack the 2000 crop rewards for this season, we will see.

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You can see here my Quest was pretty difficult this round. I had to purchase Onion and Leek in a large enough quantity to be able to harvest in time to make it. Leek was a longer harvest, around 7 days so I was able to get 2 crops of Leek this season. My Chest had more than its typical fertilizer rewards in it, i actually won some Pepper which will be needed when i get ready to start storing my harvest and making more products. There is always a decision to make about selling shares vs keeping produce to make products later. Each season brings its own key ingredients needed for making recipes, which get more shares than just selling raw produce.

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Above you can see which raw produce I've decided to keep to make products with. Peas, cilantro, Parsley, white roses, cabbage, kidney beans, leek, Bell Pepper and sweet potato, I've also keps some apples to make Pie and other products.

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I'm learning a lot about the productivity of an Apple Tree, and having a thriving orchard. They give off produce constantly and you can sell a lot of produce from their constant production.

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This is an example of a recipe that I'm closer to completing after this season. I have the peas, pepper, and cabbage, just needing the French beans and broccoli. I'm utilizing 2 and 3 star products to make my recipes, it is better for the total sales value.

As spring comes, i look forward to the following
🌸French bean
🌸Egg plant

This should allow me to complete the Steamy Plate above. Overall im still very excited to end this series with a bang. If you're interested in joining Dcrops please Join my community.
I appreciate your time and attention reading this, and i will see you our there on the leader boards.

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