Arma 3 gameplay 8-7

For the last year or so I have been playing this open world tactical shooter. There are single player storyline missions but I have not done any of those. I go right for the open world Eden editor and build battles. Though this game really stresses my PC I find it alot of fun spending time building bases and then having battles where a force tries to invade and the other defends.

Starting off I select a map, there are a few options. Some has more mountains, some has more jungle and others are forest and desert. You can also go in the water with a couple small boats to choose from. There are mods that add more and I plan on exploring those at some point.

I select a map and start building, using barriers I make a closed off base. Using one of the prebuild bases as a starter.

Lining up the walls takes some practice. But if you look at them from multiple angles you can get them down right.

Multiply the walls as you make more so you do not have to do one by one.

I make an doorway to exit the compound. Otherwise I would have to run around the long way.

The corridor was designed to help keep the inside of the compound safe from long range gun fire.

I spawn in a solider to make sure the doorways fit and its easily traversed.

Adding more barriers I also use a secondary barrier, otherwise armor can just drive right through the wall.

I spawn my own armor, but put it on a building. Acts as a base defense cannon.

Once I get my walls down I move onto building road barriers inside the base that protect the buildings.

In one of the towers I spawn some snipers, though I find anyone I spawn up there just tends to walk down and away from their post. Need to look into that more.

Spawning more general soldiers to hold down the base.

Once the defense force was built up I moved onto the opposition. I gave them transport helicopters filled with troops. I then multiplied them so I had half a dozen or so.

Setting waypoints I set where the helicopter should land and drop off their troops. Then those troops will make an attempt at overtaking the base I built.

Setting up a transport unload waypoint and then search and destroy for the troops to follow.

I build out my loadout, giving myself lots of rockets and a scoped rifle.

Saving the loadout for easy loading next time.

Starting the simulation I spawn in and wait for the helicopters to show up. Checking out some of the vehicles while I wait.

As the enemy helicopters approach, my APC vehicles fire upon them quickly destroying one one of the helicopters before it can even land.

I decide to exit the simulation and remove the APCs as it will make it nearly impossible for them to land and give them any chance of taking over the base.

This time gunfire brings down one of the helicopters, after dropping off its troops it was trying to gain altitude but enough gunfire from all around brought it back down. It crashed right into my barrier destroying it.

Approaching the destruction I can see the secondary barrier still stands, exactly why I put up two of them.

Heading out the front of the compound I find helicopters trying to land. So I take out my rocket launcher and take some shots, I miss a few times but finally score a hit.

Looks like I hit its back rotor causing it to spin out of control.

The helicopter crashes behind one of my buildings, unsure if it dropped off its troops yet.

Another enemy transport helicopter loses control overhead and makes a soft enough landing where it does not explode.

Looks like the pilot is dead but the soldiers inside come pouring out, not all were killed.

At this point I go back into Eden and add more helicopters, but the game quickly started stuttering real bad and I had to quit out of the game. I can only have so many objects on the map at once otherwise the game starts this terrible shuddering and will not stop until I force quit the game. Maybe once day I can figure out a fix for that as this computer should be able to handle alot more.

YouTube Video Link

Solominer Presents:Arma 3
GenreTactical shooter
PlatformWindows 10
Rig specs:Main gaming setup
ProcessorIntel Core i9
MemoryCorsair DDR4 32GB
Video Cards2x Nvidia GTX 1080's
Power SupplyCorsair 1000W


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