Arma 3 gameplay 03-15

Base building in Arma3 using the world editor can make for some interesting experiences. Though you need to be careful not to overload the engine with too many assets at once on the map. This time around I am building a fortified prison, and will be the first time I had more than just soldiers in this simulation. I wonder as the two factions get heavy into their fighting will stray bullets take out bystanders.

We start by picking a part of the map that has alot of concrete foundations already there. I will add walls, barricades and fences.

Adding the walls is always a tedious part of this game, because of natural slopes trying to paste in multiple walls gets all weird so I have to go back and manually move a few. Its cool, still a fun game.

I have two layers, in case I add in vehicles or helicopters if they crash into the walls it wont open up the facility so easily. I have had that happen where a helicopter crashed into a way, taking it out and allowed troops to come flooding in.

Its not so pretty but it should be functional, without the walls the troops in the facility (including me) are more likely to get picked off.

Just one more part to add military walls, they are the taller green ones. The smaller grey ones are just road barricades.

Almost ready to start adding more fencing inside to make it more prison like.

Got to have that razor wire and chain link. Should stop the enemy troops from going where ever they want, but still allow shooting through it. I mainly use this inside of the walls to add some dynamic situations to this simulation.

I put up roofing to change the open feeling of this facility. It also protects from grenades a little and aircraft cannot pick off the troops under it so well.

Just a couple more fences and I will add some NPCs.

A diverse group of people, will act as test dummies for my fire fight.

Now I add the opposing troops, add them far off so they will not engage within seconds.

I enter the simulation and shortly after the engine crashes... grr I need to remove some assets.

My troops see the enemy troops and focus on them, though they are not quite in range yet.

We can see them running down the hill off into the tree line.

Those walls are quite tall, hard to tell their scale in the editor but from the simulation they must be 12' tall.

A squad of my troops start firing upon the enemy as they approach.

Seems my NPCs escaped and are now making a run for safety.

Guess I need to work on my prison complex a little more, I save all of these so I can visit them another time. Though it was fun adding a new element to the battle this time around.

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Solominer Presents:Arma 3
GenreFirst Person Shooter
PlatformWindows 10
Rig specs:Main gaming setup
ProcessorIntel core i9
MemoryCorsair DDR4 32GB
Video CardsNvidia RTX 3090
Power SupplyCorsair 1000W

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