Magic the Gathering: Are Wizards of the Coast pulling a Fast One with Dominaria United?

Will you leave the fucking reserved list alone, it’s to be preserved, is eternal and we don’t want any more cards in circulation.

Many, many will vehemently disagree with my statement.


How many Magic the Gathering card-playing geeks are under 30? Chances are they never saw Legends being released or had a sniff at it.

I did, I was there, I bought a sealed box and cracked all the packs; I had a full set once. It was June 1994 and I have fond memories of that time.

I also sold the lot years ago, sometime around 1996 to be precise. It's a regret but that's life for you. In the same sentence, I regret selling many Splinterlands cards.

Several years ago there was an interest in the Reserved List. Cards that were peanuts gained double their value, and now are more like 5-10x times.

...'they are not the best, but all are on the Reserved List, and about to become more common'...

I bought a few Legends rares on the Reserved List just before the mania, and I have held them since. Wizards of the Coast are now telling us some long-forgotten cases in 'a warehouse deep in the middle of nowhere, in Washington state' have been found.

They are cracking the boxes, and packs and inserting them into collecter boxes of Dominaria United randomly.


Well, how convenient. They dare not reprint any of these cards and so some shit-arse story has been made up, maybe.

Dominaria United is the next expansion and it’s going to sell well. You can be sure of that.

The credibility of Hasbro (Wizards of the Coast) has taken a downturn for me (again).


Do you think this is the end? 'A mysterious shipment of Arabian Nights has been found in Mississippi' could be the next wacko tale we hear about.

They dare not reprint these cards en-masse or the lawsuits will fly. Some people invest shitloads into this cardboard and the most expensive cards go for tens of thousands of dollars.


…'I have some Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, and Betas of out-of-print cards. I did intend to keep them for a rainy day'…

While the vast majority of Magic players would embrace a reprint of the reserved list, they are not thinking about the damage it would do to Hasbro.

This is one of the reasons I have invested heavily in Splinterlands. I know for a fact that @aggroed and @yabapmatt are ex-Magic players and their behavior over the last few years has always been to protect the old players.

I doubt we will see 'Chronicles' reprints of old Splinterlands cards. The scarcity of the older Betas is clear to see. There are few on the market for sale.

...'if the Prince was ever reprinted, you could expect the credibility of Splinterlands to take a large nosedive'...

How about in 2 years? How many Prince Rennyn’s do you expect to be available?

I will be watching Hasbro like a hawk going forward. Any more 'lost boxes' are going to ring some serious warning bells in my head.

Could it be I need to sell my Unlimited Time Vault and my pristine Beta Contract from Below before it's too late?

Both cards are on the Reserved List and valuable for different reasons.

...'is this the start of a trend, should I dump the whole box on eBay?'...

Are Hasbro telling the truth, is this a one-off event or are they trying to gouge more money out of the already beleaguered Magic: The Gathering players by doing some sneaky reprinting?

It smells bad to me, but I am a suspicious bastard.


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