Pre-release/Pre-Sale Review - Doctor Who Worlds Apart CCG


You can click right here to immediately dive right into Doctor Who - Worlds Apart CCG

This is a game that i am extremely hyped about! From both an investment standpoint and gameplay standpoint, this game hits all of the marks in my book! I have been playing video games for more total hours then I've slept for the past 35 years with CCG/TCG and RPG as my specialties and have been deeply involved with blockchains since 2013.

So first off what is it? Well it is obviously a collectible card game/trading card game based on the hit show Doctor Who from BBC. It is being developed on blockchain technology so you 100% own every game asset and are free to trade, sell, transfer any game asset you own at any time (nothing new, its blockchain). The assets are on polygon so fees and transaction time are not an issue!

I will do my best to mention all the key aspects from a gameplay and investment standpoint in as orderly a fashion as possible. Their is a ton of info. So I plan to make this review multi part (2-3) depending on the time it takes to complete each blog. I only have 3 hours available each night to write these and their is a ton of info. To sort out and present in a orderly fashion. The 2nd blog will come tomorrow night and if their is a 3rd it will come 24-48 hours after tomorrows. Of course You can and I encourage you to goto the site and learn more on your own in the mean time but I also encourage you to check out my future blogs on this game even after you've done so because theirs a good chance you will learn alot from my blog regardless; due to the months I've been deeply involved in this project


Pandaks is one of the many reasons you should goto the site and create an account immediately. Pandaks are the in game currency which can be used to purchase packs of cards. The best part is you will receive 10 Pandaks daily, every day you simply login to the site. 10 Pandaks = $0.10 I'm not sure if Pandaks will be digital coins, I assume so but they will be pegged to $0.01 per Pandak if so. Once the game is released you will also be able to earn Pandaks from simply playing the game!

2.) The Cards

Their are so many things about these cards that make them, IMO, superior to any other CCG! Besides the fact that they are all based on the Doctor Who show and 100% accurate to the shows lore! I will lay out the outline of the features of the cards, but will detail it all in tomorrow's blog.

a.) Core frames (unlimited) - Basic version of the cards with 1 of 5 basic card frames (found in core packs)


b.) Alien & Time Lord Victorious Frames - Premium edition cards with premium frames. (Limited number of packs sold). Once those packs are sold, no other card will ever be created with that frame ever again. 10.000 cards is the number for the majority of frames and the majority that have been released have been sold out. 10,000 cards means 1000-2000 packs depending if it comes with 5 or 10 cards per pack and also means the total # of each card that will exist with each premium frame is unknown until they are all sold. Its possible to pull a legendary that will be 1 of 3 that ever exist for instance.



c.) Detailed list of Sold out card packs and # of packs that were in each version.

d.) Detailed list of premium card packs still available

e.) known unreleased premium card packs

f.) Founders Coins - not cards but best listed with them

g.) card types

h.) stat/card anatomy

i.) Card detailed history! - One of the greatest features IMO is the detailed history of every card that is apart of the card and all history transfers ownership if the card is sold/traded/etc.


j.) Card serial numbers

k.) card level - earning experience and leveling up your cards (card exp and lv transfer with ownership)

I believe that will cover everything card related. Thus their will likely only be one more blog which will be tomorrow to talk about a-k in detail. I will list all remaining information that seems pertinent at the end of tomorrows blog unless the table of contents turns out to be larger then I currently anticipate. In which caae I will leave you with a table of contents like this one and have a 3rd blog.

I leave you with a few screenshots from my account that should help you get a better feel for the game and economy.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will be glad to help you with a reply ASAP1

Dont forget to click here and create an account on their site today, to immediately start earning free Pandaks. All that is required is providing an email address/password and clicking the verification email they send you and your account is setup and ready to go Doctor Who - Worlds Apart CCG

IMPORTANT NOTE all cards receive a serial number based on the number of that card that already exist with the frame you received. So if 8 legendary 13th doctor exist currently with a silver core frame and you open a pack that contains a 13th doctor with a silver core frame in it then your card will be minted with serial #9. This is very important for value and prestige purposes. Since the lower the serial number, the higher the value your card will command. Even the most common card is not upto serial number 500 I believe so all cards you receive currently will still be very low and most of the legendary cards are still at serial number 15-50 even in core packs if paired with a gold or black diamond frame.

Within 2 years of the official release of the game, the most common core cards will have serial numbers in the millions so even cards below 10,000 will command a decent premium. Of course the premium frame cards will all have lower serial numbers since 10,000 of those frames or less will ever exist for most of the premium packs and that means the rarest legendaries will have 50 or less minted total in many cases.








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